We've been raising goats off-and-on since 1988 and have raised Alpine, Nubian, Nigerian Dwarf, and some Boer. We were on milk test when we had both Nigerians and LaManchas, and the butterfat of the NDs was usually almost twice as high as the LMs. What age can you breed a Nigerian dwarf goat? Add to cart difference between pygmy and nigerian dwarf goats $ 250.00 $ 200.00 . Even mini goats need a decent amount of space. Standard-size goats have a butterfat around 3% to 3.5%, except Nubians, which average 4.5%, and Nigerians, which average 6.5%. Jon and Karen. It's conformation is similar to that of the larger dairy goat breeds. This is unfair and even cruel for your new pet. We chose milk goats, but we didn't choose Nubians. Sadly, for pet goat owners, you really have to milk Nigerian dwarf goats and other types of goat breeds at home. Keep in mind that you will have to milk them regularly to eliminate pain and reduce the risk of infection. Sale! It's the same for farmers who raise meat breeds. The Nigerian Dwarf, like the American Pygmy Goat, derives from these, but does not resemble the stocky West African Dwarf in conformation - it has been bred to have the appearance of a miniature dairy goat. Butterfat is what gives milk a sweet flavor and Nigerians have sweetest, richest milk of all the . Nigerian Dwarf milk is so sweet and creamy that many people prefer it over cow's milk. About Nigerian Dwarf Milk - Cabochon Farm You will get more milk overall by milking twice each day than you would by only milking once each day. Nigerian Dwarf. The coat is soft with short to medium hair. This makes their polyestrous nature favorable. They are a dairy breed, but if you don't want to milk them don't breed them or dry them off after they give birth. So, Nigerian dwarf goats are not especially expensive to buy, at least as pets. The idea of having an animal that looks like a baby for its entire life is very tempting for the majority of people looking at buying a pet. Buyers are Responsible for arranging their own shipping, I would be glad to give you info on different ground shippers. 2) Nigerian Dwarf Goat Milk Tastes Better. When choosing goats, you first need to decide between meat or milk goats. Nigerian Dwarf milk has a high butterfat concentration, making it ideal for making cheese and soap. To better understand this range, it can be broken up into two parts: pet quality goats and breeding or pedigree quality goats. We were on milk test when we had both Nigerians and LaManchas, and the butterfat of the NDs was usually almost twice as high as the LMs. Nigerian Dwarf Goats are the smallest breed of dairy goat and bred to look like a miniature version of the larger dairy breeds. Our Alpine and Nubians gave much more milk than the Nigerian, but the milk from the Nigerians has been way better as far as taste and butterfat. While I do have some with fantastic show lines my main focus is on milk production. If you want to get a Nigerian dwarf goat both for milk and as a pet, get a female Nigerian dwarf goat, called a doe. The Nigerian Dwarf goat milk benefit is that it is higher in butterfat (6-10%) than most dairy goat breeds. Standard-size goats have a butterfat around 3% to 3.5%, except Nubians, which average 4.5%, and Nigerians, which average 6.5%. You have to milk the goats at least twice per day unless you keep a kid on them. However, many Nigerian Dwarf owners do not raise their goats for . We also offer hands on Goat Care Workshops which you can sign-up for to learn many aspects of goat keeping if you wish you. Sadly, for pet goat owners, you really have to milk Nigerian dwarf goats and other types of goat breeds at home. Smaller goats means less food, so Nigerian Dwarf goats require less expense to keep them fed. Nigerian dwarf goats have the highest butterfat. MALE NIGERIAN DWARF GOATS FOR SALE Dwarf and Pygmy Goats In-Depth Pet Care - baby goats for sale - goats for sale Dwarf and Pygmy Goats Basics Make Your Dwarf and Pygmy Goats a Home: The Nigerian Dwarf goat is a West African-bred tiny dairy breed. Having these goats means that you always have the freshest tasting milk available to you and your family and with the amount they can produce: you'll never run out! You can find seamless stainless steel buckets like this milking pail, but if you happen to be milking small goats (Nigerian Dwarfs), then you'll need a short milking bucket like this one. If you want meat goats then you would buy Boer's, most likely. The maximum acceptable height for bucks is 23 1/2" at the withers and for does is 22 1/2" at the withers, but the Nigerian Dairy Goat Association recommends that, ideally, bucks should be 19-21" and does should be 17-19". You will find information about Nigerian Dwarf Goat care, caresheet, cages, enclosure, habitat, diet, diseases, facts, set up, food, They have been chosen for cor . The primary ingredient in our creamy . Pygmies can produce anywhere from a quart to two-thirds of a gallon, with the average being one to two quarts. I love baby goat time. There are three types of goats - dairy goats, meat goats, and fiber goats.As their names indicate, these types of goats have been bred for specific purposes, to give either high quantities of milk, high quantities of . 2. These adorable goats are one of the smallest goat breeds in the world and have the same build as the big breeds without the extra height and weight, thus giving them the appearance of being a baby for . It was the shortest stainless steel bucket we could find to fit under those adorable stubby legs. The Nigerian Dwarf goat milk benefit is that it is higher in butterfat (6-10%) than most dairy goat breeds. As far as all Nigerian dwarf females go, though, yes, they will produce milk if they don't suffer from any specific health complications. Nigerian Dwarf goat farmers make a cool amount of cash from the milk produced from the goats. If you are interested to own your own purebred Nigerian Dwarf goats from our breed line, you can fill the form below (along with your preferences) and we will contact you. In Nigerian Dwarf Goats 101: Background & Basics, Lesa covers several of these topics as well as more in-depth information on the breed. The same with other livestock animals that produce milk, . Some goats intended either for breeding pedigree or for high-quality milk (that is, goats who will be bought for farms) can be more expensive. To be a star doe, it means that she must obtain a minimum amount of milk and butterfat to reach the magic point of 35 for AGS and 7.0 for ADGA. The Nigerian Dwarf goat milk benefit is that it is higher in butterfat (6-10%) than most dairy goat breeds. Female Nigerian Dwarf goats, or does, need to be milked daily. $ 650-800. Handling your goats throughout the day does tend to make them more friendly and docile when they grow up. Nigerian Dwarf goats typically have a body weight of 70-80 pounds or about 32 - 48 kilograms and stand at between 20 to 44 inches tall. You can get your copy here. When this happens, it will be your responsibility to take over. Basic Information on Nigerian Dwarf Goats . Showing all 4 results. However, most kids will naturally wean between one to four months of age. Do you have to milk a Nigerian Dwarf goats? The top 5 reasons that you want to buy Nigerian Dwarf Goats! When a Nigerian Dwarf FRESHENS, or has babies, her udder is operating a full capacity. As with all goats, Nigerian Dwarf goats do not require much in the way of care. I will NOT sale to a home that only wants just ONE for a pet. The same with other livestock animals that produce milk, . Their teats are too small for easy hand-milking. The nose is straight. Nigerian Dwarf Goat Raising - Cost of Nigerian Dwarf Goat:- Well, the cost of the Nigerian Dwarf Dairy goat is between $200 and $500 (for registered breeding stock). Providing them with plenty of room to graze on good grass and brush also makes for a better herd. How often do you milk a Nigerian Dwarf goat? This is the feeding schedule we use for our Nigerian Dwarf bottle babies; you can approximately double the amounts and use this for standard sized goats as well. As far as pets go, Nigerian Dwarf goats are relatively inexpensive. Nigerian dwarf milk-goats are . A method for how to wean a Nigerian Dwarf goat baby is to slowly decrease the number of bottles you are giving your kid until you have it to one bottle and then drop that one-off as well. This Dwarf breed weighs in at around 50 pounds. A Nigerian Dwarf Goat needs about 1.5 kg of hay per day. Goats are HERD animals. The ears are upright. I have three different met. If these backyard goats are on your wish list, I highly suggest checking out her site ( she has a great goat section) and buying the book. This price may vary depending on the region and , milk . Nigerian dwarf goats have the highest butterfat. Dairy goats, like the Saanen or Nigerian Dwarf, however, are high producers, so will give you plenty of extra milk to share around. They are gregarious, friendly and hardy and can thrive in almost any climate. A NIgerian Dwarf doe in milk could yield one quart per day (sometimes more). Our does are working milking dairy goats, and are selected to enhance the qualities we desire in our breeding program. Both goat breeds produce high-butterfat milk. We have been using our goat milk to make 100% of our cheese and yogurt since 2002. Their gentle, calm and playful nature makes them good companion pets for children and disabled and elderly people. Now that I'm older the Nigerian Dwarf's are all I have. Dwarf goats are generally not hand-milked. One look at the chart below (2011 data from DHI) shows that Nigerian Dwarf goat milk has the highest levels of butterfat compared to any other dairy goat breed. Generally you will want to milk your goats twice each day. Nigerian Dwarf goats are the only dwarf dairy goat breed. You will get more milk overall by milking twice each day than you would by only milking once each day. Rated 5.00 out of 5. With my first baby goat season, I bought everything I found on lists for the birthing box and didn't use most of it. You need about 10 goats to obtain the same milk production level of one cow. Our does have large litters, as many as five at a time, and it isn't uncommon that we end up with one or two (or three) per year that are put on the bottle. Nigerian Dwarf milk has approximately 6 - 10% butterfat, as opposed to approximately 2 - 6% for other goat breeds. There is a secret to goat keeping and not being tied to a 12-hour milking schedule. Nigerian dwarf goats are very playful, and they love to romp and climb on things. The most important thing is to not get frustrated, just relax we know you are worried about them and insuring they get the nurtition they need, just take a breath hold and pet your baby goat and try again. Now I know what to do differently next time but meanwhile I need to know a couple of things. If you separate the kids then their udders will be full and the milk will come out easier. If you want a steady supply of delicious, high-quality goat milk, you only need a couple does, and to stagger their breeding. Among the goat dairy breeds, Nigerian Dwarf goat milk has the highest levels of butterfat, making it so creamy that it's typically preferred over cow's milk. They can thrive with simple housing, fresh water, and a balanced goat feed. Milk Production Nigerian dwarf goats produce around two quarts of milk a day. ADGA Nigerian Dwarf goat breed standards state that the Nigerian Dwarf doe should be between 17" and 22.5" at the withers (thats the top of the shoulders). The good news is while Nigerian goats do produce a lot of milk, it is far less than other animals such as cows, so it will not take up as much time. Doeling. Just be mindful of the vessel that you use to hold it. If you want just one doe for milk I would suggest you pair her with a wether. A healthy Nigerian Dwarf doe can produce a surprising amount of sweet milk for her small size - up to two quarts per day. Nigerian dwarf goats are very playful, and they love to romp and climb on things. Expect to pay between $50 and $100. It was at first reared as a show breed and companion animal; selection was for appearance and for docility. The same with other livestock animals that produce milk, they need to be milked. Compared to the body size of the Nigerian dwarf goats, they are highly milk productive than the regular sized breeds. It's the same for farmers who raise meat breeds. They NEED a buddy! They are the most popular meat-goat. Pygmy goats usually range in size from 45-55 pounds, which equates to 20-25 kilograms, making them small enough for easy transportation by one person. Caring For Nigerian Dwarf Baby Goats: Water. The milk garnered from lactating Nigerian dwarf nanny goats also has a higher protein content than milk produced by other goat breeds. Friday 20th of November 2020. Things to Know When You Milk a Goat Once a Day. You don't need to worry about milking a goat that doesn't have an udder. Home / Products tagged "do you have to milk nigerian dwarf goats" do you have to milk nigerian dwarf goats. Hi everyone. Goats milk is good for you. The biggest obstacle you will have with wanting a Nigerian Dwarf goat is finding a place to purchase one. Nigerian Dwarf goats produce milk for about 300 days per freshening, and breed throughout the year, rather than seasonally. Males do not, obviously, produce milk. Unless you have a large pasture with shrubs and bushes and trees suitable for your goats' consumption, you will need to feed your goats "manually". The Nigerian Dwarf is a Miniature Dairy Goat. Plus, Nigerian dwarfs can give you anywhere from 1-3 quarts of milk per day. Goats are jumpers and climbers. Today is a sad day for my Nigerian dwarf goat. Nigerian Dwarf Goats can easily produce 2 - 3 quarts of milk per day! If you're getting a Nigerian dwarf goat as a pet for the first time ever, get a neutered male goat, usually called wether. Nigerian Dwarf Goats Care-Taylor David 2013-10-15 In this book, you will find all of the information you need to be prepared for becoming a Nigerian Dwarf Goats owner. Goats from the pet or hobby focused herds will not be as productive as goats from a dairy focused herd. Use a shallow bowl to give you Nigerian Dwarf kids water, this way if they do fall in they can easily get back out and won . We raise a few Nigerian Dwarf goats for milk. We moved the bucks a few hundred yards away and out of site from the does. The parts of the body are in balanced proportion. Nigerian Dwarf goats have a more slender neck, and thinner, longer legs. If you desire gallon(s) of milk, you will want a larger goat breed, like Nubian's. #5 Reason Why You DON'T Want Nigerian Dwarf Goats: Fencing. One look at the chart below (2011 data from DHI) shows that Nigerian Dwarf goat milk has the highest levels of butterfat compared to any other dairy goat breed. Costs of Owning a Nigerian Dwarf Goat. Everyone is anxious for that fabulous goat milk! As I said, they will also only produce milk after having given birth for the first time. There are two groups of people who milk dairy goats: those who "pull" the kids at birth and bottle feed them, and those who let the does . Even though they don't give as much milk as some of the larger goats, their milk is high in butterfat and makes good cheese. Another method for how to wean a Nigerian Dwarf goat is to decrease the amount of milk in each bottle and then slowly drop off the feedings one by one until . If you use these links to make a product purchase, I may receive a commission. However, some Nigerian Dwarf goats do have low butterfat even as low as 3%. If you do not milk your goat, the milk will harden and cause swelling and extreme discomfort. Actually the Nigerian dwarf goat is considered as the best miniature dairy goat breed. Nigerian Dwarf milk is so sweet and creamy that many people prefer it over cow's milk. Nigerian dwarf goats are very playful, and they love to romp and climb on things. For more information on Nigerian Dwarf goats specifically, read Nigerian Dwarf Goats, A Wonderful Goat In A Small Package. Make sure you get your doe from a herd that focuses on milk production in the goats the are milking. This goes for each kid - so if she kids one and starts active labor again and does not kid another in 30 min then you will need to go in. Butterfat is what gives milk a sweet flavor and Nigerians have sweetest, richest milk of all the . The Nigerian Dwarf goat milk benefit is that it is higher in butterfat (6-10%) than most dairy goat breeds. 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