Does this mean it's over? Throughout Black Butler, Ciel is always smiling when someone compliments Sebastian and Sebastian never turns down an order from Ciel nor does he hate it, he just finds it amusing. I think the point that is confusing for a lot of people is while the series straight out says that there is no romantic relationship and Sebastian views ciel as basically a meal the series is constantly putting emphasis on romantic (ew) and sexual (mega ew) moments between the two like the corset scene, the two dancing, ciel being carried princess style in a dress, Sebastian tearing his shirt . Jun 25, 2018 - Find out what Ciel Phantomhive thinks of you! Who does Ciel end up with? Mainly so you will be prepared for what could happen if you speak with me. Elizabeth is often called "Lizzie" for short. Ciel does not suffer fools gladly. Shebashtion: "This dress has been in the Phantomhive family for a long time." "Its an honor to wear such a beautiful dress then." 8. I think the point that is confusing for a lot of people is while the series straight out says that there is no romantic relationship and Sebastian views ciel as basically a meal the series is constantly putting emphasis on romantic (ew) and sexual (mega ew) moments between the two like the corset scene, the two dancing, ciel being carried princess style in a dress, Sebastian tearing his shirt . Her name is Elizabeth Midford, albeit her full name is a mouthful, and she is Ciel Phantomhive's cousin and fiance. Ciel is just one of those children who became mature earlier than most. I'm quite bias about this pairing because i do not like the character, 'Elizabeth' in the first place. Earl Ciel Phantomhive ( シエル・ファントムハイヴ, Shieru Fantomuhaivu) is the current head of the Phantomhive house, the notorious Queen's Watchdog, the owner of the Funtom Corporation, and an Aristocrat of Evil. Spoiler: Childbirth and Elena's death. Ciel Phantomhive | All Worlds Alliance Wiki | Fandom I think it is pretty clear that Ciel has a feeling for Elizabeth. 2×02: Solo Butler - Kuroshitsuji Transcripts Never mind! Lady and Knight: His relationship with Sebastian can be seen as a rare male/male version of the trope, with Ciel being the Dark Lord to Sebastian's Black Knight. Like his Butler Ciel Phantomhive would be a villain in any other story. She is the fiancée and cousin of the protagonist, Ciel Phantomhive. He had seen Elizabeth sneak out the night before, and he could not help but think about their relationship. He always tries to present himself with expensive clothes, and he wants Lizzy to be like that as well. Who does Ciel Love in Black Butler? Good day! He even burned his glove after touching Beast. Ludociel/Plot | Nanatsu no Taizai Wiki | Fandom He won't do anything without Ciel ordering him to. I Personally Think That Ciel Phantomhive, Does'nt Love Elizabeth, It Feels He Love's her Like Family..They Are Cousins After All... Also If You Think About It, Ciel Doesn't Have Time Nor A Care. In the first season it shows Ciel in a dress. 1. Let me give you a hint of what is coming up: Grell x Sebastian His parents were killed and his mansion was set ablaze on his birthday, a reason why he does not like to celebrate the occasion. a black butler x modern reader black butler does not belong to me you don't belong to me even if I Black Butler x Modern Reader. Why is Black Butler season 2? I will make him gay!! Why does Sebastian not like ciel at all? Ciel sits on a chair at the head of the tabel you at the other end. Guys can take it too, if they're curious, but just ignore the lovey dovey stuff. Ciel Phantomhive | Villains Wiki | Fandom He sees her as an important friend and someone he needs to protect. She knows Ciel hides things from her, and as the story progresses the more frustrated she gets. So beautiful women like Hannah may seem like rivals to him even cute girls like Elizabeth, Ciel's fiancee, who he dances with at the costume party despite her protests and keeps her away from Ciel. They have grown a little and were old enough to marry. Will Akudama drive have a Season 2? - Ciel and Sebastian had done their best to delay the event at Ciel's request. Everyone around him died and he worried fretfully so about damning Elizabeth too, was an excuse certainly bandied about. Kuroshitsuji II, Monoshitsuji (White Butler ... - aevumus ♠ But then season 2 happened so now it was that his soul was stolen by another demon. The wedding day of Ciel Phantomhive and Elizabeth Midford. Ciel is engaged to his cousin, Elizabeth Midford. With the aid of his loyal butler, Sebastian, who appeared in his service only two years ago, he has not only maintained but strengthened his family's wealth and title, while also . Little snowflakes were dancing in the air like the most exquisite dancers known to mankind. Sebastian Crab who is court composer and serves at King Triton's bidding in The Little Mermaid . Ciel would be turning 17 soon and being in the Queen's coterie as an earl demanded he be wed as soon as possible. (because he takes his brother identity, anyway it's not a thing thought. She gets over it. Ciel loves Sebastian. Like I said nothing really happens this episode. We all know Ciel refers to Elizabeth as Lizzie since she seems to prefer it, but it seems in the past he would do that without having to be reminded so. ~*~ I Love You. Ciel would be turning 17 soon and being in the Queen's coterie as an earl demanded he be wed as soon as possible. In a way, yes, because if you watch seasons 1, 2, the Book of Murders, and the Book of Circus, you can see they have a connection that no one else has. Ciel as a demon. Ciel is a very quiet, and sad kid, if you ask me. Sebastian explains to the confused staff that Elizabeth is Ciel's fiancée. Did Ciel and Elizabeth get married? Elizabeth? Even he takes that identity or not. Lizzie is the watchdog's wife. As Ciel Phantomhive, I believe it is only fair for me to make a quiz explaining how I would feel about you. He is the true head of the Phantomhive house and Elizabeth Midford 's original fiancé. It's not like she's downright envious of Sebastian, if that's what you're worrying about; she admires him! Posted 1/3/10 , edited 1/3/10. . Cause in the anime it went a bit off the actual original story line. Ciel Phantomhive, also better known as " Ciel Phantomhive's Twin " to differentiate him from his brother (whom stole his identity) is one of the overall main antagonists of the Black Butler manga/anime franchise alongside the Undertaker. He is the son of Vincent and Rachel Phantomhive and the younger twin brother of " Ciel Phantomhive ". Elizabeth is a teenage girl with emerald . 9. He eats lightly and he then stops and asks you a question. Lady Elizabeth Ethel Cordelia Midford is the daughter of Alexis Leon Midford and Francis Midford, the younger sister of Edward Midford, the niece of Vincent Phantomhive and Rachel Dalles, and the cousin/girlfriend of Ciel Phantomhive. Ciel is the young noble head of Phantomhive and has been since he was nine years old. Elizabeth: What does it matter what I think? Plot. I truly believe, as a Black Butler fan for many years, that Elizabeth will choose Astre ("Ciel"), over our Ciel. Does Ciel hate Elizabeth? Here's Your Cheese Omelette--Chapter Two: Ciel ~*~ A green man haired sighed as he stared out at the view outside his office window. Earl Ciel Phantomhive is the main protagonist of the Kuroshitsuji series. Lady Elizabeth Ethel Cordelia Middleford is the daughter of Alexis Leon and Frances Middleford, sister of Edward Middleford, and cousin/fiancee of Ciel Phantomhive.She is undoubtedly one of the most cheerful personalities you will ever find in Kuroshitsuji.Ever. He almost never smiles, and when he does, its normally a mischievous one. *and i ship Sebastian/Ciel* She was a shallow female character to begin with..and it seems every series has to have that ONE annoying female . Jun 16, 2011. His parents were killed and his mansion was set ablaze on his birthday, a reason why he does not like to celebrate the occasion. View and download this 349x600 Elizabeth Ethel Cordelia Midford Mobile Wallpaper with 851 favorites, or browse the gallery. Ciel Phantomhive. Ciel: Elizabeth! In Victorian-era London lives a thirteen-year-old earl named Ciel Phantomhive, who acquired this position after the events of December 14, 1885 (Ciel's 10th birthday), when the Phantomhive manor was attacked by unidentified perpetrators and was set ablaze.. What is Sebastian's real name? Ciel: And why should I care about you? Ciel is engaged to his cousin, Elizabeth Midford. Click to see full answer. Kissing Cousins: He is engaged to his cousin Elizabeth. When Sebastian does see Ciel in a dress you can see his blush on his cheeks if you look up at him close. She is voiced by Yukari Tamura in Japanese version of the anime, and by Cherami Leigh in the English version of the . Questions and Answers. The nun is the anime is canon to the anime only. Elizabeth demands to hold a dance, but Ciel sulks. He is voiced by Maaya Sakamoto and Kazuyuki Okitsu as an adult in the Japanese version of the anime, and by Brina Palencia and Robert McCollum as an . JenovaVII wrote: I wouldn't say he "likes" Ciel, nor that Ciel "likes" Sebastian, but I do think that Sebastian and Ciel have a very strong bond, not just a master . Lizzie and Ciel: Love that will transcend even a dead twin brother. The current Earl of Phantomhive, the sole survivor after the mysterious and untimely murders of his parents and the burning of his mansion. Elizabeth wants Ciel to find HAPPINESS; whereas, all your precious Sebby cares about is that he gets to eat Ciel's soul. She realizes her mistake. Reply to: bglass276. The Phantomhive family apparently makes it their business to stop floods. But, I have to admit, I expected him to be very whiny. Black Butler best answer oreonoob764 said: Ciel likely cares for Elizabeth, but in a sisterly type of way. Ciel is a short thirteen-year-old boy with bluish-black hair and rich, deep blue eyes.. who is the puppet master in black butler? Yes, Sebastian does love ciel. He is dignified, prone to anger when provoked, impatient, shrewd, intelligent with a talent for business and negotiation - but also naive in some . "'Elizabeth Midford"', or better known as Lizzy, is a character from the anime and manga series "'Black Butler"'. Obviously Sebastian stops her, and at the end of the chapter she is smiling at Sullivan and the two seem to get along just fine. In the story, plenty of people loved Real!Ciel such as his parents, our!Ciel, Lizzy, and Madam Red. Having Capricorn Venus in the 1st house means that others will like your appearance. Throughout Black Butler, Ciel is always smiling when someone compliments Sebastian and Sebastian never turns down an order from Ciel nor does he hate it, he just finds it amusing. I harbor such a hatred for the pairing, Ciel/Lizzy.i just can't put it into words~ So instead i made a fun little place to bash it. Even without Sebstaion he does plenty of things that play with the conventions of gender and sexuality whtin a Victorain setting. When Ciel asks what is going on, Elizabeth jumps out and hugs him. Ciel looked at his butler confusingly as Sebastian completed . Not because she doesn't love Ciel, but she was first engaged to Astre, that meaning, that's her love. Her name is Elizabeth Midford, albeit her full name is a mouthful, and she is Ciel Phantomhive's cousin and fiance. It was a premature birth. Lady Elizabeth Midford (エリザベス・ミッドフォード, Erizabesu Middofōdo) is the daughter of Alexis Leon and Francis Midford, younger sister of Edward Midford, niece of Vincent Phantomhive and Rachel Phantomhive, and the cousin and fiancée of Ciel Phantomhive. Jun 2, 2020 - Explore Sutaraito Dracula's board "Ciel X Lizzy", followed by 213 people on Pinterest. Elizabeth Midford is a Supporting Character in The Persona Record Series, She is the cousin and fiancé of Ciel Phantomhive. Claude: what the hell is wrong with her soul!!!! Because of his noble birth and great intelligence, he often treats others as lesser than himself, but he does care for a select few. Does Ciel marry his cousin? Ciel vows to protect Elizabeth. they are both now 23 what will c. Ciel long threw away hopes for a life he wanted, but does he even know what exactly it is he dreams of? ciel headed on to the kitchen and found elizabeth uncouncious well asleep but ciel doesnt know of that "elizabeth!" yelled ciel running toward her " darn it,i bet that man is in my room what does that fag want!" thoughted ciel "sebastian~!" yelled ciel " please take care of elizabeth" Jim takes control of Ciel's body thanks to Hannah and guess what the fused bodies of Ciel and Jim make a new contract with her (signified by erratic flashes of the contract emblems of both Ciel and Jim's contracts in Ciel's contract eye then turns to a beautiful green contract insignia of Hannah's that resembles a rose like flower with . This tragedy causes him to not want to lose anyone important again. Do Elizabeth and Ciel marry? In the anime, for season one, Ciel's soul was about to be devoured by Sebastian. Because at the end of season one it shows them kissing. She is the fiancée and cousin of the protagonist, Ciel Phantomhive. Ciel Phantomhive, like any good British gentleman, appreciates good tea and drinks it often. I think Our!Ciel does genuinely love Elizabeth, he just can't show it because he's pretending to be his brother, and also because he knows Elizabeth isn't actually in love with him, she's in love with the idea of who he is. Everyone around him died and he worried fretfully so about damning Elizabeth too, was an excuse certainly bandied about. Sebastian is simply not interested. Read Ciel x Reader *Lemon*: No Words from the story Black Butler X Reader One Shots by lavitaffy (♡ ♡ ♡) with 42,938 reads. Poor Ciel lost his parents, you have to give him some credit. She is the fiancée and cousin of the protagonist, Ciel Phantomhive. . Ludociel also mentions that Meliodas betrayed them, causing Elizabeth's anger. She is the fiancée and cousin of the protagonist , Ciel Phantomhive. So a long time ago I wrote a piece on Lizzie and Ciel, you can read it here, where I talked about how Lizzie and Ciel's relationship was growing and how it was at that time that Ciel realized that he loves Elizabeth, even if he's not willing to admit to it.Kuroshitsuji is not a romance comic, this is something @midnight-in . Does ciel hate elizabeth in black butler? He is the son of Vincent and Rachel Phantomhive and the younger twin brother of "Ciel Phantomhive". His parents were killed and his mansion was set ablaze on his birthday, a reason why he does not like to celebrate the occasion. Ciel's reaction to this is kind of strange, almost reminiscent as if he understands what Arthur is talking about and it brings fond memories to mind. well i think lizzy isnt weak from the start.. she just want ciel to like her so she wants to became cute but she said that from now on she's the one who will protect ciel :> aLiCe101. Ciel's birthday: December 14. I bet Lizzy still loves him now but the thing is, our!Ciel is the boy she fell in love with and accepted her for her strength. BUT, she spends more time with Sebastian. So Ciel knows he can never have her, even in a perfect world. and the daughter of Alexis Leon and Francis Midford, younger sister of Edward Midford, niece of Vincent Phantomhive and Rachel Phantomhive, She Shares the Same Name as Elizabeth a Velvet Room Attendant to her Guest Minato Arisato. Elizabeth: OH I LOVE MY CIEL!!!!! Confused, angry, and feeling more than a little betrayed, Ciel now finds himself pressured into finally proposing to his cousin Elizabeth, their arranged marriage looming in the very near future. By Marcel Khalif On Avr 21, 2021. Why is Black Butler season 2? This tragedy causes him to not want to lose anyone important again. Appearance [] Ciel Phantomhive looks like a small, rather "pretty" thirteen year old boy; the Phantomhives have always been a remarkably beautiful family, both the males and females. It is shown multiple times during the series that Ciel's stamina is less than stellar, with Sebastian carrying him around whenever Ciel is in danger or out of breath. Basically it's an excuse for rich people and nobles to get together and to have a Elizabeth-centric episode. It barely matters how you look at it, and it's definitely not a romantic sort of love, but it is undeniable that Ciel relies on Sebastian emotionally and sees him as his sole protector. Our Ciel is really cute, isn't he? He commands the . Ludociel affirms that Meliodas is an enemy that is plotting a dark plan with his brothers and his masters and that Stigma and the Sins must unite in order to eradicate them, telling Elizabeth that if she does the Supreme Deity could break the curse that she put on . In a way, yes, because if you watch seasons 1, 2, the Book of Murders, and the Book of Circus, you can see they have a connection that no one else has. Does Ciel love Elizabeth? They spent much of their childhood together, so it is fact that he at least. This tragedy causes him to not want to lose anyone important again. Since the series took place in the 19th century, marriage amongst the . He is the owner of the Funtom Company, the son of Vincent Phantomhive and Rachel Dalles, and the head of the Phantomhive noble family and is known as the Queen's Watchdog. my love fading (Elizabeth x ciel) by fairy tail 244 4 3 after Elizabeth ended up leaving ciel because of a big fight they had ciel decided after quite a few years he would go and look for her. She is the fiancée and cousin of the protagonist, Ciel Phantomhive. Elizabeth is a noble young woman, isn't she? So Ciel is attending a flood gate event. Is Ciel still a demon in Black Butler? . That was just the way things were. Angela Blanc is a character exclusively introduced in the original anime adapation of Black Butler (also known as Kuroshitsuji), which was based on the manga series of the same name. Ciel and Sebastian had done their best to delay the event at Ciel's request. He finds Marron annoying. He shares this trait with his late mother, Rachel Phantomhive, who could not run around and play with Ciel or Elizabeth because of her weak body and strength. Be warned that some results may be harsh due to Ciel's overly honest personality, Please do not be offended by any of these. The wedding day of Ciel Phantomhive and Elizabeth Midford. Ciel is naive as shit when it comes to sexual tension. Since the starting point that She appears (Chapter 2) Ciel said by himself he was forced to be her fiancé. Do you insist on disappointing me? Does Sebastian ever betray Ciel? Earl Ciel Phantomhive (シエル・ファントムハイヴ, Shieru Fantomuhaivu) is the current head of the Phantomhive house, the notorious Queen's Watchdog, the owner of the Funtom Corporation, and an Aristocrat of Evil. After you are dressed you sit down to a beautiful dinner. Elizabeth, Ciel, and Snake are jolted when the Bizarre Dolls claw at the luggage with their teeth and nails. When he was a young child, he was much sunnier, but trauma caused Ciel to withdraw from the world. Thereof, is Ciel phantomhive a girl or boy? During this time period arrange marriage was common and one side likely could not agree to the arrangement. Then, Sebastian arrives and attacks them, while Ciel shields Elizabeth. "Elizabeth Midford"', or better known as Lizzy, is a character from the anime and manga series "'Black Butler"'. Ciel come here and give me a kiss *runs over and glomps Ciel in a bear hug* Undertaker: it gets funnier every time! my love fading (Elizabeth x ciel) by fairy tail 244 4 3 after Elizabeth ended up leaving ciel because of a big fight they had ciel decided after quite a few years he would go and look for her. Ciel Phantomhive is the main protagonist of the Kuroshitsuji anime and manga. Lau: And here I bet on you finding that white stag. See more ideas about ciel, black butler kuroshitsuji, black butler. Sebastian pretty much does whatever Ciel tells him to do. Answer (1 of 7): In the Manga or the anime? That's basically it. thoughted ciel. This is highlighted in the third episode when Grell makes an appearance, and Ciel asks Sebastian who Grell is. You wouldn't understand what I'm feeling anyway! Mey-Rin loves Sebastian. Ciel is a short teenage boy with grayish blue-black hair and rich . They were betrothed after all. Since the series took place in the 19th century, marriage amongst the family was accepted. *falls on the floor. When Sebastian does see Ciel in a dress you can see his blush on his cheeks if you look up at him close. Ciel is engaged to his cousin, Elizabeth Midford. 8 months, 22 days, 22 hours, 56 minutes and 33 seconds left. - Answers He doesn't hate her, but he does think she is annoying at times. Once the Bizarre Dolls are all eliminated, Snake, Ciel, and Elizabeth, who is aided by Sebastian, descend from the luggage. Lady Elizabeth Midford (エリザベス・ミッドフォード, Erizabesu Middofōdo) is the daughter of Alexis Leon and Francis Midford, younger sister of Edward Midford, niece of Vincent Phantomhive and Rachel Phantomhive, and the cousin and fiancée of Ciel Phantomhive. There already is alot that Ciel hides from Lizzy and I feel like she knows that. Lau: Aw, you've gone and made the lady angry. By. Although Ciel tends to act cold towards her and brushes off her attempts to show him affection, Ciel genuinely loves Lizzy but it's on the platonic side and intends to marry her out of duty rather than love. Like many nobles, the heads of their families arranged their marriage long ago. Don't feel like writing smut nowadays. Claude had mentioned that both he "deep blue" and Ciel "midnight blue" have much in common regarding their lives: In both the anime and the manga Ciel disguises himself as nurmous different people, as a young girl (twice), a circus performer and kind student. "'Elizabeth Midford"', or better known as Lizzy, is a character from the anime and manga series "'Black Butler"'. That was just the way things were. He touches Ciel quite a lot, but he really doesn't seem to like him very much. He sees her as an important friend and someone he needs to protect. He sees her as an important friend and someone he needs to protect. He insists that he must work and does not have time for little girl's games. He also has read all of the works of Edgar Allan Poe. Ciel: Lau. :D Within the supporting characters of the anime and manga Black Butler, there is a certain young woman who stands out. "'Elizabeth Midford"', or better known as Lizzy, is a character from the anime and manga series "'Black Butler"'. they are both now 23 what will c. So a long time ago I wrote a piece on Lizzie and Ciel, you can read it here, where I talked about how Lizzie and Ciel's relationship was growing and how it was at that time that Ciel realized that he loves Elizabeth, even if he's not willing to admit to it.Kuroshitsuji is not a romance comic, this is something @midnight-in . Lizzie and Ciel: Love that will transcend even a dead twin brother. Who does Ciel Love in Black Butler? The baby, Ian, had blue eyes and black hair just like his father) Since Ian was a baby boy = futur successor, many people began to follow the Grand Duke family despite Ciel trying to ignore Elena and his child. As in he is loyal towards Ciel and . In some parts it does appear that he is, but I don't think that is so. Demons are incapable of turning back time or resurrecting the dead. Laughing* Alois: awww man Ciel is straight! At the end of that . Ciel's resurrection is enigmatic - though he remembers Elizabeth and a few other people like Tanaka, Finnian, Mey-Rin, Baldroy, and the Undertaker - he does not seem to remember other people or certain instances.
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