The Hunt for a Leveraged Value ETF - Single Source Com Yeah, just adding to what the guys above me said, I believe the basic premise in holding TMF is just having a kind of insurance policy on UPRO in a form of an asset that is uncorrelated with the equity portion of the portfolio - for that purpose, the T-bonds are probably the best tool (especially the high-volatility 20y+ ones to more effectively counteract the downward movement of stocks). The Hedgefundie Portfolio ETF Pie for M1 Finance (UPRO/TMF) Again, most users are utilizing M1 Finance to deploy the Hedgefundie strategy due to its dynamic rebalancing with new deposits, zero transaction fees, and its simple, 1-click rebalance that you can do quarterly. It was introduced in a post in February 2019. RRSP Homer, or . and also need to set your investor profile to "most aggressive". It seeks to provide 2x the quarterly performance of the Russell 1000 Value index and has an expense ratio of 0.95%. **There is no guarantee the funds will meet their stated investment objectives. There's many articles on volatility decay due to the daily rebalance by Leveraged etf. What I find particuarly . Luke mentioned that he used a 50/50 split, so I used that as my real-world example of an evenly balanced leveraged portfolio. 4 The only regime where HFEA doesn't outperform is when both stocks and bonds have headwinds. Change 1 - Diversify into Australian shares In a 2019 forum post, HedgeFundie proposed his Excellent Adventure (usually abbreviated to HFEA) which was to use leveraged ETFs . The post explained that a portfolio with 40% UPRO, 3x daily S&500, and 60% TMF, 3x daily long term treasuries would have handily beaten the . Afrofreak's argument is that the contribution should be the current allocation, 50/50. Then, simply add money over time, rebalance quarterly, and your portfolio will typically grow quite quickly. Auto rebalancing is great until the new deposits aren't large enough to balance things (great problem to have because it means you've had major growth). The Bogleheads are a group that follow the investing principles of Vanguard founder John Bogle, which basically means sticking with index funds for decades. Implementing HFEA strategy In accordance with what I have read about trading 3x LEFT I will be reducing my exposure from 25% to 15% of my entire portfolio. Today I performed the third rebalance of my Hedgefundie portfolio. The ever-sacred "haystack" can be shaped . It seeks to provide 2x the quarterly performance of the Russell 1000 Value index and has an expense ratio of 0.95%. The rebalancing period is correlated to when earnings reports are minimal in the stock market. Response 1 of 3: I recently started putting everything I can into Hedgefundies strategy. Basically, it makes sense to use leverage to obtain higher investment . IWDL is probably the closest thing we've got to a true leveraged value ETF. Today's re-balance involved selling $660 of UPRO and using it to purchase $660 of TMF. Dear Forum, I love the simplicity of having an all VT portfolio. Rebalancing doesn't matter THAT much, so maybe it's better to just keep things simple. I'm interested in Hedgefundie's Excellent Adventure strategy. Like icon Just buy E mini if you want leveraged return. It's not clear whether Karl is implementing quarterly rebalancing, or just buy and hold. I think in this time period it went as high as +10%. The risk-parity portfolio you're describing sounds like Hedgefundie's 40/60 UPRO/TMF approach over at Bogleheads. Today portfolio is almost exactly at $75K. Hedgefundie's Excellent Adventure. I think the drama of someone (Hedgefundie) allocating a solid chunk of change ($100k), also contributed to the drama/notoriety. 2011 to 2018 matches the yellow regime; Karl chose 1982-2000 because it was longer. So zero return. Don't Rebalance in Taxable. It seeks to provide 2x the quarterly performance of the Russell 1000 Value index and has an expense ratio of 0.95%. The most common strategy that I have seen written about is a combination (70/30, 60/40, 50/50, whatever) of UPRO/TMF. Looking to implement this as 50% of my SMSF, to help with taxes due to the frequent rebalancing that might be required and without going all in with this strategy. IXUS - iShares Core MSCI Total International Stock ETF. There's a great write up of the strategy here (it initially started from an epic thread on the "Bogleheads" forum). They had the idea of a portfolio based on a few simple rules: . Avoid an account where you're paying commissions and maybe even bid-ask spreads. It takes no more than 30 seconds every 3 months. HEDGEFUNDIE's excellent adventure 08-09-2019, 03:28 AM. I came across the Hedgefundie discussion (HFEA) pre-COVID - thought it was interesting but wasn't as into investing as I am now. Still, the past week has been very painful - I actually started putting stop losses in place for like the first time in my life (then deleted them all later, bar Etsy and Novonix). If it actually grows faster then my traditional portfolio I will stop contributing to it. Today I quit a $90k public sector role, turned down a 6-figure offer to work for the TSX, and sold my shares in the startup I co-founded. HEDGEFUNDIE's excellent adventure Part II: The next journey. The Bogleheads are a group that follow the investing principles of Vanguard founder John Bogle, which basically means sticking with index funds for decades. Optimized Portfolio Instead Hedgefundie's Portfolio is Modern Portfolio Theory taken to the extreme. Over the same period ProShares UltraPro QQQ (TQQQ), which uses triple leverage, lost 9.5% and ProShares UltraPro Short QQQ (SQQQ), which is designed to move inversely to the Nasdaq 100 index, lost 50%. Close. ; When HFEA outperforms the portfolio (rises above 15% allocation), trim the gains and park them in a BSV . I enjoyed your topic on 'lower risk through leverage' and the accompanying google sheet. However, I am always very interested in alternative investing approaches. Highly gratified to see AZN continuing into new high territory this afternoon, so when it reached 9620 managed to slice another modest 1% of our largest holding (XD too) to increase our stake in . You can run a backtest and see that these perform remarkably well, but the funds only go back to 2011 so the . It is ironic that individuals which are able to save as much money as they have, and be successful in their career, will fall to pieces if they have to rebalance 6, 8, or even 10 funds/factors. In Investing. The wisdom tree etfs are 90/60 stock/bond etfs for USA/Developed/Emerging all paired with treasuries. Roughly 90% of the fund is invested in intermediate U.S. treasury bonds, with the other 10% in long-dated call options (LEAPS) on the S&P 500 . Outta Control is a copy of the hedgefundie portfolio which a 55/45 ratio of UPRO, a 3x leveraged S&P fund, and TMF, a 3x leveraged long duration treasury fund. Reduced my holding in ADIG and topped up NAS while the share price dipped back below 4000p. The statistics I have seen that are really good is to buy 2x your cash value when S&P 500 closes above 200 day moving average and sell if it closes below 200 day moving average for more than 3 straight days. The graph above illustrates in theory why a 100% TQQQ position is not a good investment for a long term hold strategy. Unfortunately, there are a couple immediate drawbacks with IWDL. This cost is on top of the 0.92% expense ratio. level 2. Turning 10% avg expected return to 16-17% makes retirement come a lot sooner At the start of every quarter, rebalance it to get it back to the 55/45 . If you let it sit in a bank account it might earn interest, but odds are the interest being paid is less than the rate of inflation, so you're losing money by having it sit there doing nothing. ITOT - iShares Core S&P Total U.S. Stock Market ETF. Rebalance as required. Benchmarking against S&P500 VOO - it would be at $80.2K My HFEA alpha is -6.8% I have a Hedgefundie portfolio (just a small amount that is ~5% of retirement allocation, in a Roth IRA at M1; otherwise all my investments are in a 90/10 3-fund portfolio), which I started in October 2019. If you want to really see how leverage works and especially daily rebalancing which is a different form, this is an excellent primer that even breaks down leverage factors by market and . After setting aside my portion straight towards the mortgage and purchasing any preferred stocks for the month, I will split my profits 55/45% into the Hedgefundie strategy. I heard that the quarterly rebalancing at the first day of quarter is the best. The remaining $3.02 will stay in my trading account. September 2021 Hedgefundie Portfolio Update. Where to Buy These Tax-Efficient ETFs. After the run-up this year it's back to about even with it..all while being much more volatile. It's when you get money, then do nothing with it. Since the last rebalance in July, the porfolio has gone up by about $1500. From a behavioral perspective if you've never lost 50% of a few hundred thousand or more then you don't really know your ability to stick with a 100% equity allocation, let alone a strategy like this. Ugh, savings. In the green cells at the top, enter the type and owner of each investment account: e.g. Since I started in May of last year, the gain of my portfolio is $8000 on an investment of $20000. So it has been about 3 months and yesterday I decided to perform the rebalance. so I went all in for my tfsa and am rebalancing quartely and selling some calls too on tmf for a little extra money. Of the $199 earned from options trading in February, $62 was set aside into the ULP for taxes, $37.33 was put towards the mortgage principal, $67.31 was invested into preferred stocks and $32 was invested into Hedgefundie's Excellent Adventure. There is no doubt though, standard deviation of returns, worst years, max drawdowns are all considerably more scary for this type of investment vs plain vanilla S&P500 (see 10-year chart below from portfolio visualizer). Try not to rebalance in your taxable accounts or do it as little as possible. ; Invest 45% in SPXL and 55% in TMF. Like this report by IFA that found 88.4% of actively managed funds did not outperform the market over a 15 year period.So if your chances of […] H. This approach comes from a post on the Bogleheads forum in February 2019, where a user (called Hedgefundie) came up with an interesting approach to index investing. Since I started in May of last year, the gain of my portfolio is $8000 . Seriously. Categories: investing. Hedgefundie's adventure really fits the bill here (HEDGEFUNDIE's excellent adventure Part II: The next journey - Finally, Hedgefundie's portfolio deploys a well oiled correlation trading strategy that produces a crap ton of extra yield via quarterly rebalancing vs annual or monthly rebalancing. Unfortunately, there are a couple immediate drawbacks with IWDL. Rebalancing in your tax advantaged accounts every year or two should be ok. VUG - Vanguard Growth ETF. Hedgefundie's Excellent Adventure was a portfolio made by a boglehead's forum user, Hedgefundie, inspired by risk parity. It is interesting to note that UPRO gained about 1.3k while TMF lost about 1k, a similar amount. One rebalance in January, very minor. Diversify. The myth that any number of fund positions above three, is way too complicated to maintain and rebalance. Bands has worked well, roughly 10 or 15 percent deviation, at the cost of paying more attention (e.g., checking weekly). The All Weather Portfolio is an available-to-the-masses portfolio modeled somewhat after the risk-parity-based All Weather Fund from the famous hedge fund Bridgewater Associates. I lost most of my gains for this FY and it was just a mess. Accounts Summary. Yes, I was going to say you'd probably be better suited with NTSX or the Mototrojan variant of Hedgefundie's strategy that uses EDV. The Best ETFs for Taxable Accounts. This fund launched in February, 2021. The hedgefundie portfolio would be managed by m1 finance with their easy to use rebalancing functions. Typically it involves selling whatever you have too much of ('overweight') to buy more of what you don't have enough of ('underweight'). Response 1 of 8: It works in a bull market Bear market is gonna f'u up But as long as you keep doubling down and never sell you should end up way ahead The Nasdaq 100 ETF (QQQ) plunged 7.5% in March only to recover in April, gaining 6.4% over the two month period. Of the $199 earned from options trading in February, $62 was set aside into the ULP for taxes, $37.33 was put towards the mortgage principal, $67.31 was invested into preferred stocks and $32 was invested into Hedgefundie's Excellent Adventure. The proposed strategy calls for quarterly rebalancing. If you can't beat the market; LEVER IT. Just about 30k in it which is less then 5% of my total portfolio. Stay tuned for my next rebalance in 3 months! The results cover both returns and fund fundamentals based portfolio style . It also lines up with my goal to have all my banking in one place. We define the strategy as follows in the symphony editor: Expressed in words: we assign a 55% weight to UPRO and a 45% weight to TMF , and we rebalance quarterly. The Direxion Daily Energy Bull (ERX) and Bear (ERY) 2X Shares seeks daily investment results, before fees and expenses, of 200%, or 200% of the inverse (or opposite), of the performance of the Energy Select Sector Index. Today I performed the 5th rebalance of my Hedgefundie Portfolio. Sorry to be ignorant, but who is "hedgefundie", and why consider his/her risk parity portfolio, as opposed to, say, Ray Dalio's? Hedgefundie's uses a 55/45 balance of UPRO to TMF and quarterly rebalancing. IWDL is probably the closest thing we've got to a true leveraged value ETF. The rebalance itself was un-inspirational. The tax from regular rebalancing also makes this unappealing to me, even if I wanted that level of risk. In taxable, you may want to be careful about how frequently you rebalance and which shares you sell. The portfolio idea was created by the legendary Ray Dalio, founder of Bridgewater, and was then popularized by Tony Robbins. Vanguard won't let you trade leveraged ETFs but fidelity will. There's no shortage of data out there indicating that very active management or factor investing fail to actively beat the market. This is fairly easy, I simply called Fidelity . - The "HEDGEFUNDIE" portfolio - Improvements on all calculated metrics. Re: HEDGEFUNDIE's excellent adventure Part II: The next journey. As of November 2018, the borrow rate of UPRO's swaps was 2.87%. Daniel Kurt is an expert on retirement planning, insurance, home ownership, loan basics, and more. This fund launched in February, 2021. . I came across the Hedgefundie discussion (HFEA) pre-COVID - thought it was interesting but wasn't as into investing as I am now. [HEDGEFUNDIE's excellent adventure . Quarterly rebalance would be manual. Finished the quarter up about 7%, so as far as trying to beat the ASX200 at 1.2% it was a success there. I do not do Hedgefundie adventure but use TMF ETF in my Fidelity 401k (BrokerageLink) and Fidelity Roth IRA. 3Q21 performance for my main portfolio. Based on the screenshots it looks like he's implementing it in M1 Finance due to the free "trades" and ability to auto-rebalance at the click of a button (quarterly rebalancing was deemed optimal). PaddyM77101 wrote: ↑ I think there's some compelling evidence to support TQQQ as part of an leveraged portfolio with fixed asset allocation - it's been discussed on here a little bit but the famous hedgefundie thread on boggleheads comes to mind.Something like 55% TQQQ (or UPRO) and 45% TMF (fixed allocation with quarterly rebalancing) has been simulated and backtested to the 1950's. IWDL is probably the closest thing we've got to a true leveraged value ETF. HedgeFundie's Excellent Adventure on Bogleheads. Hedgefundie later updated the strategy's asset allocation in August 2019 to 55/45 UPRO/TMF. 2 months ago. In a 2019 forum post, HedgeFundie proposed his Excellent Adventure (usually abbreviated to HFEA) which was to use leveraged ETFs . As described above, the leveraged ETFs for the strategy borrows money at a short term rate and invests it into the S&P 500 (in the case of UPRO) and long term Treasuries (in the case of TMF). Will rebalance quarterly. Canadian Hedgefundie? The leveraged portfolio consists of 55% UPRO (3x S&P 500) and 45% TMF (3x 20 Year Treasury bills). Many are jumping into TQQQ after seeing the last decade bull run of large cap growth stocks, as TQQQ has only been around since 2010 and is up over 5,000% from then through 2020: Source: Risk and reward and inextricably entwined. Transactions. See also. Given the simplicity of Hedgefundie's 55/45 blend of UPRO and TMF, it's easy to create and backtest this strategy in Composer. I'll be taking a sabbatical and pursuing self-employment . Also better to do in a tax deferred account so you don't run into tax implications when rebalancing. This portfolio has an annual return of 18% (backtested to 1987) compared to the S&P 500'S 9% return. I started with about $5500 in a Roth IRA at Interactive Brokers and as of yesterday it has grown to $8042 with most of the growth coming from UPRO. Rebalancing: Quarterly (but skipped early April since I thought that the rise in stocks was only a temporary bump.. lesson learned) Return: 15% (would have been better if I hadn't skipped rebalancing) . As of October 2018, the borrow rate of TMF . Mine has another 16 years to go. Today I performed the 5th rebalance of my Hedgefundie Portfolio. (3X S&P500) and 60% TMF (3X LTT) rebalancing quarterly. - Frequent rebalancing? In the 4.5 years since Jan 2015, this strategy has mainly trailed the SP500. It felt like every decision I made was the wrong one, no matter how much research I did or how long I spent thinking about it .
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