Popular Phlox The Deer resistant flowers attract Butterflies. Hardiness Zone: 3-9 Growing Tips: Grow in Phlox Phlox subulata: Common names: Also called creeping phlox, moss phlox ; Size: 4 to 6 inches tall; A vigorous, spreading phlox that blooms a carpet of flowers in mid-spring. When established, it can cover large areas with its deep green oval leaves on ground-hugging stems. Our rose category is getting bigger and better. A rapid spreader, creeping phlox can be planted to cover banks, fill spaces under tall trees, and spill and trail over slopes and container rims. ‘Emerald Blue’ produces a sea of lilac-blue flowers (perfect for that waterfall of color!). An herbaceous perennial. For an extra flair, allow this perennial to cascade over retaining walls or spill out of overturned pottery. Like other ground covers,creeping phlox takes a few years to reach maturity -- about two years on average, according to the North Carolina State University Cooperative Extension. This means it grows an average of about an inch per month. The rate of growth depends on a wide variety of conditions, however, including cultural ones. Phlox subulata ( Moss Phlox ) Photos H. & M. Ling - 4/20/2012 Mt. Latin Name - Phlox stolonifera. Creeping juniper looks nice when paired with other evergreens of varying height and colors. Your contributions are tax deductible. Why You Should Get Rid of Invasive Plants Invasive plants are everywhere. Click on plant names for availability and details. 06445. A wonderful selection of this western native Phlox species, 'Shades of Pink' blooms with a showy mosaic of deep, mid- and light pink flowers. Find plants by searching below or using filters on the left. It is a green ground cover, and it can spread and make a vast landscape that everyone will talk about. Creeping Phlox is a perennial groundcover primarily grown for its early Spring accent flowering. Florida Native Plants. Phlox subulata is known as an early Spring-flowering perennial that forms an evergreen, creeping, slow-growing, non-traditional groundcover, often used as an edging perennial, wall cascader, or rock garden rambler. Some attractive candy stripe varieties are available as well as solid colors. It will spread rapidly by above-ground leafy stems (stolons) that … 4 reviews. The creeping phlox (Phlox subulata) is a perennial that is native to the eastern seaboard and is not usually grown from seed. 3" tall x 12-15" wide. Plants will tolerate deer, drought and heat, but good drainage is essential, and watch out for rabbits. Description. It is native to the dry, rocky areas and open woodlands of the Appalachian mountains. Phlox stolonifera 'Sherwood Purple', or Creeping Phlox, a native perennial available for sale from ThePollenNation.com We have the most exciting carpet phlox for those dreaded bare spaces, native beauties like coneflowers and yarrow to naturalize and to attract butterflies and birds. Colors vary but are similar in range to the garden phlox – blues, pinks, whites and reds. From full to partial sun in average to moist soils, this species consistently performs well. The plant grows as a low mat of handsome deep green foliage and covers itself with hundred of late spring flowers. web design by sandlapper creative Check out 5 attractive drought-tolerant shrubs for your garden. In 1990, the parent species, Phlox stolonifera, became the first plant selected by the Perennial Plant Association as Perennial Plant of the Year. I don't know anything about the western Phlox species, whether they'd make good ground covers or not. These plants have needle-like foliage with small starry flowers that bloom in spring and produces long, spreading stems, which become woody with age. Native to the Appalachian Mountains, Phlox stolonifera (Creeping Phlox) is a spreading, mat-forming phlox which boasts erect clusters of large, fragrant, lavender-blue, rose-pink, violet, or white flowers in mid to late summer. Be liberal in your use of this charming, flowering groundcover. Once established, this North America native plant is drought tolerant. That one of the reasons Botanical names are so important. Phlox Stolonifera 'Home Fires' Creeping Phlox. It lays almost flat against the ground. Beautiful masses of deep blue flowers top creeping stems and create an attractive groundcover or accent in a rock garden. Height - 0 .5-1'. Wister Pink creeping phlox Phlox stolonifera is a hardy, early-blooming species of Phlox , providing beautiful color in the early spring. Tough, low-maintenance, and pest-free, Vinca minor (commonly known as periwinkle) has pretty broadleaf foliage and flowers. *For additional facts, click on the Common Name link above. Creeping Phlox (Phlox subulata) is a favorite for gardeners all across the country – they are ground-covering plants that bloom in a solid carpet in spring. CREEPING PHLOX - A COLORFUL PERENNIAL THAT IS EASY TO GROW. Native plants are valued for their economic, ecological, genetic, and aesthetic benefits in addition to their intrinsic value as living species. How to Use North Hills Creeping Phlox in the Landscape. Enter the first few letters of the common or botanical name, then select a plant from the list. See below This plant is an invasive species in North Carolina Description. 'Candy … Creeping, leafy, vegetative (sterile) stems typically form a foliage mat to 3" tall and spread indefinitely. It gets about 6 inches tall with a 24 inch spread. This is an evergreen groundcover that reaches a height of 6” but can spread out to 36” at maturity. Creeping Phlox, Moss Phlox (Phlox subulata) | My Garden Life Creeping Phlox (Phlox subulata) is a favorite of gardeners all across the country – both cold hardy and tolerant of heat, these ground-covering plants bloom in a solid carpet in spring. Fragrant phlox is easy to grow. Phlox subulata (Moss Phlox, Creeping Phlox) This native forms a spreading mat growing to about 6 inches tall. They also are lovely next to or in front of rose bushes. Native species evolved within specific regions and dispersed throughout their range without known human involvement. It will perform best in full sun to partial shade, in moist, well-drained, slightly acidic soil. For bloom: Creeping phlox (Phlox subulata, Zones 3–9 or Phlox stolonifera, Zones 5–9) For quick spreading: Creeping goldenstar ( Chrysogonum virginianum ‘Eco-Lacquered Spider’, Zones 5–9) Paula Gross is the former assistant director of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte Botanical Gardens. Creeping Phlox (Phlox stolonifera) Fairy Bells (Disporum flavum) Note: The hosta plants along the ramp leading to the front door are not considered native. The leaves are round at the apex. to form colonies, attracts native bees , a great mat-forming groundcover , … Creeping phlox grows best in well-drained soil and partial to full sun. is a perennial ground cover that has small attractive purple flowers. Perennials. In one color, or as a rainbow, creeping phlox creates one of the most dependably perennial groundcovers you can … Creeping phlox is the name often used to describe several species within the huge genus Phlox, which includes perennials such as the tall garden phlox (Phlox paniculata and Phlox maculata) and the annual phlox (Phlox drummondii). DR Phlox stolonifera Polemoniaceae Masses of fragrant pink/lavender flowers on short stems from April through June , evergreen oval green leaves, spreads by stolons (as the name would imply!) Order North Hills Creeping Phlox from the expert growers at Nature Hills today! But there are many phloxes out there, some hybridized with the native one. It spreads rapidly on stems that root wherever nodes touch the ground, forming broad mats of foliage. Has an outstanding compact, creeping habit, and low growing form. It is similar to woodland phlox, but is lower growing with oval rather than narrow leaves. Trustpilot Custom Widget. And clearly, gardeners aren’t the only fans of this plant. Phlox subulata `Emerald pink` what spring garden would be complete without the color added by this tough, showy native?? Regarded as one of the most colorful of all ground covers, Phlox subulata (Creeping Phlox) is a vigorous, herbaceous perennial that adds splashes of colors in spring. Creeping phlox (P. subulata) has needle-shaped leaves and produces a carpet of flowers. It is native to central and eastern parts of the United States and grows to about 5 inches in height. This perennial does best in full sun and well-drained soil. Phlox subulata (Creeping Phlox, Moss Pinks) and other early-spring blooming species are low-growing, ground-hugging plants. More heat tolerant than garden phlox. Loose clusters of fragrant bluish lavender flowers appear on upright, leafy stems which rise above the foliage mat in spring. Thank you to American Beauties Native Plants for use of their photo. Zone 3-9. The South Carolina Native Plant Society is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization working to preserve, protect & restore native plant communities in South Carolina. Phlox stononifera is a marvelous creeping evergreen ground cover. Thevivd pink blooms glow on 6-10” stems above the deep green ground-hugging foliage in April and May. Creeping phlox is a native ground cover found in the appalachian mountain areas from pa south to ga. Garden phlox should be planted about 18 inches apart, while creeping phlox should be planted about 2 feet apart. Phlox Subulata. The genus name is derived from the Greek word phlox meaning flame in reference to the intense flower colors of some varieties. Creeping phlox (Phlox stolonifera) is a low-growing, mat-forming plant that is often seen spreading as a ground cover, in rock gardens, and even in crevices of stone walls. Size: Mat forming plants to 6 inches high and 20 inches wide. Phlox prosper in a cool sunny climate, well-watered, in rich sweet soil. In much of the country, they will thrive in full sun, although partial shade is fine, as long as the plants receive at least 6 hours of direct sun. In the southern or hot climes, partial shade is recommended. Blooming for weeks from mid to late summer, the fragrant flowers are rich of nectar and visited by hummingbirds and butterflies. Phlox subulata is a Polemoniaceae species that includes moss phlox, creeping phlox, moss pink, and mountain phlox. Scientific Name: Phlox subulata. Plant the native phlox in the fall from seed, though you may also find hybrid transplants in the nurseries in … Creeping phlox forms a loose mat of low-growing, evergreen foliage that spreads quickly to cover large areas. This plant is the … A dwarf and compact garden phlox, Phlox paniculata 'Neon Flare Blue' is an herbaceous perennial with large and striking clusters of white flowers adorned with purple-pink and blue-violet shades. Creeping Phlox Scientific name: Phlox stolonifera An early spring bloomer, this groundcover won’t tolerate a lot of foot traffic, but it’ll come back for your viewing pleasure year after year, and it spreads relatively quickly. Click on thumbnails for large photos. Creeping phlox retains its needle-like leaves all winter. To fill in an empty space, you can combine it with other groundcovers like creeping phlox (also evergreen in some zones), creeping sedum, or creeping thyme. They form the primary component of the living landscape and provide food and shelter for native animal species. Plant a few healthy clumps of creeping phlox in an area, let them grow into each other and say … They rise on upright stems, above a lovely semi-evergreen foliage of oval green leaves, blanketing the ground in a cloud of dainty flowers. Creeping Phlox also spreads rapidly, covering banks, spaces under tall trees, and other places where you want color. $12.99 Out of Stock. Keep the fires burning for this lovely eastern North American native! Phlox can be found in three forms: Phlox subulata, also known as Creeping Phlox or Moss Phlox, is an excellent spring-flowering groundcover. Creeping Phlox Phlox stolonifera Spring, White, pink, purple Piedmont, Mountains Mostly shade; well-drained, rich soils Woodland phlox, P. divaricata is another good similar species Moss Phlox Phlox subulata Spring, white, shades of pink Piedmont, Mountains Sun; very well-drained soils Makes a striking show in masses; Phlox nivalis is similar and Thank you to American Beauties Native Plants for use of their photo. It blooms in the late spring to summer with clusters of fragrant, five … In springtime, watch as lavender-blue blooms cover this low-growing, perfectly petite … Creeping Phlox is a native ground cover found in the Appalachian mountain areas from PA south to GA. Phlox subulata 'Emerald Blue'. 'Emerald pink' Is a blooming Bomb of color with searing Pink Flowers coating The plant from early may through early June, completely obliterating its green, needle-like foliage from view.

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