is a tropical timber tree native of the Americas from Mexico and the West Indies to southern South America. The balsa tree originates in the humid rain forests of Central and South America. Sapling Pics Needed. The Balsa Flower – Cefo Indigena For that reason, the best stands of balsa usually appear on the high ground between tropical rivers. Balsa Balsa trees were a species of fast-growing trees with light-weight soft wood. The word balsa itself is Spanish meaning raft, in reference to its excellent floatation qualities. This tree is notable for its unusual ecology as well as for its famous wood. Balsa wood’s scientific name is Ochroma lagopus. This tree’s leaves are 3-6” long and ovate with a pointed tip. Ecuador has the ideal geography and climate for growing balsa trees. BALSA WOOD: Ochroma pyramidale, commonly known as the balsa tree (also O. lagopus), is a species of flowering plant in the mallow family, Malvaceae. Balsa wood is a very lightweight material with many uses. They are native to The Neotropics, AmazôNia, Puerto Rico, Pará, and Acre (Brazil). It is this rapid growth that helps to account for the light nature of the wood. This is the balsa of model-airplane fame, with extremely light, soft wood. The word balsa itself is Spanish meaning raft, in reference to its excellent floatation qualities, but also well used on surfboards, and luxury boats. Balsa is a pioneer species that thrives on abandoned land and is maintained with minimal input of labor, usually with a high survival rate and triggering forest succession. They have simple, broad leaves and capsule fruit. There is no such thing as entire forests of balsa trees. the heart tends to develop a pink colour which is inferior to the sapwood. Ochroma pyramidale, Ochroma lagopus. Balsa can be found from southern Mexico to Bolivia and is a common plant throughout much of its range. They are native to The Neotropics, AmazôNia, Puerto Rico, Pará, and Acre (Brazil). Balsa trees grow fast and will usually reach a height of 18-28 m. They have a trunk diameter of around 1-1.2 meter. Minden Pictures is recognized worldwide as the foremost provider of wildlife and nature stock photography for use by publishing and advertising professionals. For detailed information, visit the corresponding Tree pages. Currently illegal balsa smuggling is causing problems in Colombia and Ecuador with prices for balsa trees having gone up by a factor of approximately 800% from about US$ 5 to about US$ 45 per tree - Demand has grown massively, fuelled by the growth of its use on wind farms and illegally smuggled balsa has been found on wind farms in China and the USA (here … This makes it one of the lightest woods currently available. Answer: Balsa, (Ochroma pyramidale), also called balsa tree, fast-growing tropical tree in the mallow family (Malvaceae), noted for its extremely lightweight and light-coloured wood. Balsa. The scientific name of the balsa tree is special because there is only one proper name for it. In doing so, it explores the concept of a key stone … In Ecquador it is known as Soya, meaning buoy. W.I.P. Balsa is one of the few trees in the jungle which has a simple leaf shape. At one time, it was used in the aeronautics industry. Ochroma pyramidale, commonly known as the balsa tree (also O. lagopus), is a species of flowering plant in the mallow family, Malvaceae. It is a large, fast-growing tree that can grow up to 30 m (100 ft) tall. Balsa Wood Tree (ochroma pyramidale) – Speedy Quick Growing, Light Weight Tree! Any time there is an opening in the forest floor, multiple seedlings will shoot up rapidly, often 12' tall in six months and can reach 15-40" in diameter in ten years. The Balsa tree ( Ochroma pyramidale) is a tree that grows in Tropical South America. Bombax pyramidale Cav. But in tropical America, balsa is most popular. The scientific name of this species is Ochroma pyramidale and belongs to the family of the bombs. Balsa needs a warm climate with plenty of rainfall and good drainage. Bombax pyramidale Cav. Because its wood is very light and flexible, it is grown in plantations. For "weeds," they are quite spectacular looking. Ochroma pyramidale, commonly known as the balsa tree (also O. lagopus), is a species of flowering plant in the mallow family, Malvaceae. Congo Rainforest - Quiz. The pay could be $150 a day, a fortune in a region where most people have no jobs. Tree Size: 65-120 ft (20-37 m) tall, 3-4 ft (1-1.2 m) trunk diameter. The Balsa flower (Ochroma pyramidale) is a native species from the Americas, with a wide geographical distribution.It can be found from southern Mexico to Bolivia, including in the Antilles. The Lauan tree in the Shorea family is a flowering species. They were looking for balsa, a fast-growing species of tree whose wood is used in blades for wind-power turbines. Wood—also called xylem—provides mechanical support for plants, transports and stores nutrients, and transports water from roots to leaves. The best balsa wood comes from younger rather than older trees. Today, the balsa is also found in several other tropical and sub-tropical regions of the world. This fact alone makes the balsa tree stand out in the jungle. The scientific name … balsa synonyms, balsa pronunciation, balsa translation, English dictionary definition of balsa. There was a global shortage. It is used for building model airplanes and floats. Balsa is a rapid growing tree with a very short life. In The Philippines Country, they are ready to be harvested in 6-8 years. It is this rapid growth that helps to account for the light nature of the wood. Suitable for: light (sandy), medium (loamy) and heavy (clay) soils, prefers well-drained soil and can grow in heavy clay soil. Moreover, balsa is an example of a native tree whose socio-economic and ecological potential is not yet fully known or exploited. Plant description The balsa tree is a deciduous or evergreen tree with smooth, grey-white bark that grows around 40m tall. After that, I had the idea to use Apple Oak instead of Silver Lime. For that reason, the best stands of balsa usually appear on the high ground between tropical rivers. Wood from the balsa tree (Ochroma pyramidale) is soft and lightweight, and is used to make goods like rafts, surfboards and musical instruments, as well as packing materials. The wood that we use typically comes from a tree that is between 5-10 years old, however the tree itself can live for hundreds of years. Barbara L. Gartner, Frederick C. Meinzer, in Vascular Transport in Plants, 2005 Sapwood Density. This plywood is typically only available in very thin pieces, usually either 1/8th of an inch thick or 1/4th of an inch thickness. The flowers are pollinated by Bats, Birds. It is a large, fast-growing tree that can grow up to 30 m (100 ft) tall. Basswood (Tilia americana) Common Name (s): Basswood, lime, linden, American basswood. The plant is widely distributed in tropical America; throughout the West Indies, and from southern Mexico, through Central America and into Venezuela, Colombia, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia. The Balsa tree ( Ochroma pyramidale) is a tree that grows in Tropical South America. Species covering the use class 5: Fungi and termite resistance refers to end-uses under temperate climate. Balsa can be found from southern Mexico to Bolivia and is a common plant throughout much of its range. Moreover, balsa is an example of a native tree whose socio-economic and ecological potential is not yet fully known or exploited. Native to the Americas, the balsa is found throughout the region, ranging from Southern Brazil to Mexico. Wood density ranges from <0.2 g cm −3 in species such as Ochroma pyramidale (balsa) to >1.0 g cm −3 in species such as Diospyros ebenum (ebony), and is an important determinant of xylem water transport and storage properties and whole-plant water relations. Balsa can be found from southern Mexico to Bolivia and is a common plant throughout much of … Balsa wood and the balsa tree owe their name to their traditional use in raft building. For example, balsa is the Spanish term for a raft. Strength and stiffness approximately 50% that of Baltic pine (Pinus sylvestris). Bibliography on Ochroma pyramidale, Balsa. The scientific name for balsa wood is ochroma lagopus. Balsa wood has many commercial uses. When time and funding permit, each flower (each plant species) will have its own page, and its own PDF, and eventually its own PPT so that professors and students have plenty of material on Guatemala (and Honduras, etc) to study. Ebony has a density of 1200 kg / m while balsa wood has a density of 120 kg / m. A solid wooden figure consists of … Ochroma pyramidale (Cav. 1) Which animal species from below is native to the Congo rainforest? Sapwood must always be considered as non-durable against wood degrading agents. The scientific name for the balsa tree is Ochroma lagopus. March’s Tree of the Month is the balsa (Ochroma pyramidale), a pioneer species best known for its fast growth and lightweight wood. ex. It is also used for making rafts (hence the name balsa, Spanish for raft). What tree has the biggest leaves? The Balsa Tree is known in Latin as Ochroma Lagopus. Ecuador has the ideal geography and climate for growing balsa trees. Balsa Basswood Alder; Scientific Name: Ochroma pyramidale: Tilia: Alnus: Appearance: White or off-white to pale reddish-brown color: White to light brown color: Light yellow to reddish color: Janka Hardness: 67 lbF (300 N) 410 lbf (1,820 N) 590 lbf (2,620 N) Used for: Wood - Combustion Heat Values - Combustion of wood and firewood heat values for species like Pine, Elm, Hickory and more. Tree species have very different density. Oak planks, pine, linden - all of these trees are well known to us. They start flowering in the third year. Balsa Tree. Strangely, balsa accomplishes this rapid growth without sapwood, relying instead on the pith to carry nourishment. Ochroma bicolor Rowlee. Tree Species - Water Demand - Trees species and relative water demand. The scientific name for balsa wood is ochroma lagopus. Tree to tree strife - and not only in appearance (fruits and leaves), but also in the structure of wood. Balsa needs a warm climate with plenty of rainfall and good drainage. Balsa tree. Lam.) The specific palm trees sporting the world’s biggest leaves belong to the Raphia genus, with the crown going to Raphia regalis, which is native to some African countries. Balsa trees like it hot & humid, so Florida sounds good, although I don't know if it may have problems with your winters there. Despite its only popularity as a usable tree for humans, Ochroma lagopus is a fantastic species for bird observation and its photography. Congo Rainforest - Quiz. Andres Hernandez S. cc-by-nc-sa. This is the lightest tree in the world. A medium-tall, thin tree, balsa grows extremely fast. Comparison of different tree species and Helianthus Density 160 (120-220)kgm3, commercially preferred density range 120-160kgm3. They were looking for balsa, a fast-growing species of tree whose wood is used in blades for wind-power turbines. Balsam poplar is a fast-growing species that can grow up to 80' tall. At first, villagers “grabbed chainsaws, axes and machetes to cut it down”, says Saúl Nihua, Ewegono’s leader. Choosing the right tree gender is very important, regardless of what your landscaping plans are. Urb. Most often, builders have to deal with determining which tree is more practical and durable. Balsa trees are native to southern Brazil and Bolivia north to southern Mexico. The tree and its timber are widely known as balsa. For hundreds of years, balsa was actually considered a weed tree. Also lagopus is the scientific genus for ptarmigans. Tree Reproduction Between Genders. Balsa trees grow naturally in the humid rainforests of Central and South America as well as in tropical seasonal thorn forests there. Bibliography on Ochroma pyramidale, Balsa. The name would be Ochroma pyramidale. Balsa tree's scientific name is Ochroma lagopus. However, Apple Oak is a recessive species, and Balsa is a dominant, which means that every single tree I get out of that will be balsa. See above for USDA hardiness. Facts About Growing Balsa Wood. One year old balsa tree How Does Balsa Wood Grow? Because its wood is very light and flexible, it is grown in plantations. It has long been used in making model airplanes and other toys. E.N. The Balsa tree develops flowers in its fifth year of growth, around the middle of the dry season, the sexes being separate, but on the same tree. However, this model overestimates the volume of trees with a DBH under 15 cm. The American basswood tree (Tilia americana) is a large, fast-growing deciduous flowering tree with fragrant yellowish-white flowers, large ovate leaves, and a domed crown.Also named American linden, the American basswood tree is a popular ornamental shade tree due to its dense foliage and spreading canopy. After 8 years. Price hike in Balsa trees in East New Britain has now got many in the province converting their land to start planting this particular tree species. It grows like a weed tree. Apple Oaks mature quite fast and have a decent leaf count, which would have worked nicely with the high sapling trait from Balsas. It often attains a height of 21.0m and a diameter of 0.5m in 7 years, and on good sites slightly larger dimensions in 5 years. When time and funding permit, each flower (each plant species) will have its own page, and its own PDF, and eventually its own PPT so that professors and students have plenty of material on Guatemala (and Honduras, etc) to study. Seeds for sale starting at € 6.00. While technically a hardwood, it is most likely we will encounter the wood in manmade engineered forms such as plywood. a) Polar Bear b) Okapi c) Komodo Dragon d) Orangutan e) Grizzly Bear 2) Which plant species from below is native to the Congo rainforest? Individuals of the balsa tree Ochroma pyramidale, for example, can grow from seedlings to adults with >30 cm trunk diameter in <10 years. The difference between pioneer and nonpioneer species is difficult to delineate ( Table 1 ). The tall trees sticking above the others in this picture are balsa trees. balsa - Encyclopedia of Life. The word balsa itself is Spanish meaning raft, in reference to its excellent floatation qualities. a tropical American tree of the bombax family, yielding a very light wood used for rafts and toys: The toy airplane was made of balsa wood. Balsa wood is a natural, renewable resource used in several high tech industries. ex Lam. Growing wild or on plantations, a balsa tree begins as a pinhead-size seed. Native to South America, its name comes from the Spanish word for 'raft', an apt name, because the balsa wood is lightweight and floats, making it … a) Polar Bear b) Okapi c) Komodo Dragon d) Orangutan e) Grizzly Bear 2) Which plant species from below is native to the Congo rainforest? Here we report on a study of the growth of Ochroma seedlings compared with those of sunflower, Helianthus annuus, when both are grown simultaneously in a tropical glasshouse. Because of its insulating properties, it is used for lining incubators, refrigerators, and cold-storage rooms as well as for soundproofing airplanes. By 2017, the country had doubled the value of its annual exports to $150 million. Balsa is a pioneer species that thrives on abandoned land and is maintained with minimal input of labor, usually with a high survival rate and triggering forest succession. Written By: Balsa, (Ochroma pyramidale), also called balsa tree, fast-growing tropical tree in the mallow family (Malvaceae), noted for its extremely lightweight and light-coloured wood. Balsa can be found from southern Mexico to Bolivia and is a common plant throughout much of its range. Ochroma pyramidale, commonly known as the balsa tree ( Balsa wood ), is a species of flowering plant in the mallow family, Malvaceae. They also named balsa wood to appreciate the tree with all its properties and build rafts from it. balsa - Encyclopedia of Life. Our aim was to analyse the basis for the fast growth of balsa. For example, the … Balsa trees are native to southern Brazil and Bolivia north to southern Mexico. The wood that we use typically comes from a tree that is between 5-10 years old, however the tree itself can live for hundreds of years. Balsa (Ochroma pyramidale) is a species of trees of the family Bombacaceae. The bark of this tree is made into ropes and belts. The balsa tree is a member the Malvaceae family which contains species such as cotton (Gossypium hirsutum), cacao (Theobroma cacao) and okra (Abelmoschus esculentus). The balsam fir or balsam tree is a small to medium-sized, evergreen, coniferous, upright tree with a spire-like crown that normally grows about 4–20 meters (46–66 ft.) tall, occasionally reaching a height of 27 meters (89 ft.). Tropical Height 80 feet to 90 feet tall with a trunk diameter of 12 to 14 inches. Urban.] It is a very light yellowish timber, lighter than most pine species. This wood can be ready to harvest in about 3 to 4 years because it is a fast-growing tree in the legume family. In Ecquador it is known as Soya, meaning buoy. This list shows all Tree Species added by Forestry. Balsa wood is the lightest and softest commercial hardwood timber. The balsa tree is in the Bombacaceae family. English: cork wood; Spanish: balsa; guano; French: bois flot; bois liège; Local Common Names. Balsa Tree: Ochroma pyramidale species Balsa is somewhat like what we would consider our poplar trees here in Northern Ontario. Famous for its extremely light wood, being abut twice as buoyant as cork, the Balsa tree is native to a small area in El Salvador. balsa, ( Ochroma pyramidale ), also called balsa tree, fast-growing tropical tree in the mallow family ( Malvaceae ), noted for its extremely lightweight and light-coloured wood. ex Lam. They grow singly or in very small, widely scattered groups in the jungle. Spurred by the equatorial climate, it shoots up to an 80' height and a 30" diameter in five to seven years. The scientific name for balsa wood is ochroma lagopus. OCHROMA is a genus of flowering plants in the mallow family, Malvaceae, containing the sole species Ochroma pyramidale or lagopus commonly known as the balsa tree. They grow way above everything around them, and have enormous elephant ears like leaves. The scientific name for balsa wood is ochroma lagopus. fits the characteristics of the balsa tree stands was the Newnham model (Equation (13)). Ecuador, however, has been the principal area of growth since the wood gained commercial importance. ex. A typical Balsa tree takes about 10-15 years to fully grow. Except for special comments on sapwood, natural durability is based on mature heartwood. The balsa tree (Ochroma pyramidale) is part of the mallow family and is a fast-growing, large deciduous tree. Chemical composition varies with tree part (root, stem, or branch), type of wood (i. e., normal, tension, or compression) geographic location, cli-mate, and soil conditions. During sexual reproduction, the male pollen is transferred to the female of the same species. Ochroma concolor Rowlee. Balsa. balsa; Other Scientific Names. THE PERFECT NURSE! It is ready to harvest in 5 to 6 years from planting. It is this rapid growth that helps to account for the light nature of the wood. Leaves are very large, simple, and alternately arranged. What kind of paint do you use on balsa wood? This balsa tree looks very different from say, a pine tree. Balsa trees are known to grow at an extremely rapid rate of up to 90 feet in 10 to 12 years. They have simple, broad leaves and capsule fruit. Balsa Wood Tree (ochroma pyramidale) Quick Growing, Light Weight Tree! Balsa wood is the lightest commercial lumber, but it is highly susceptible to termites. Balsa needs a warm climate with plenty of rainfall and good drainage. Balsa wood is a very lightweight material with many uses. Is balsa wood from a balsam tree? cisely for a given tree species or even for a given tree. A large, very fast growing tree with large, very shallowly lobed leaves and large, white flowers, perhaps best known for its extremely lightweight yet fairly durable wood widely traded and used for a multitude of purpose Scientific Name: Ochroma pyramidale Distribution: Tropical regions of the Americas; also grown on plantations Tree Size: 60-90 ft (18-28 m) tall, 3 … Compared with other light-density woods, this wood has higher strength and was once used to make airplanes. Novels Referenced … a) Rafflesia b) Moth Orchid c) Djave Tree d) Balsa Tree 3) What is the human's closest genetic relative? Brazil: pau-de-balsa The scientific name for the balsa tree is Ochroma lagopus. This tree grows in disturbed areas of humid tropical forests, it is fast growing, and plays an important role in the ecological system of forests. There is no such thing as entire forests of balsa trees. It is often grown there in 5,000 acre balsa tree plantations with on-site milling and production facilities. Balsa, (Ochroma pyramidale), also called balsa tree, fast-growing tropical tree in the mallow family (Malvaceae), noted for its extremely lightweight and light-coloured wood. Balsam poplar twigs are red-gray to brown and the bark is gray-green and smooth that becomes grayer with age and produced flat scaly ridges. Balsa Wood. Balsa wood is a very lightweight material with many uses. Another tree to not confuse with the Balsam Fir is the Balsa tree. Tree Size: 60-90 ft (18-28 m) tall, 3-4 ft (1-1.2 m) trunk diameter Distribution Tropical regions of the Americas; also grown on plantations Scientific Name Ochroma pyramidale Specific Gravity: Basic 0.12 Specific Gravity: 12% MC 0.15 Janka Hardness 67 lbf (300 N) Colour/Appearance The word balsa itself is Spanish meaning raft, in reference to its excellent floatation qualities. It can reach a height of 30 metres (98 ft), and grows very fast. Ochroma lagopus Sw. Ochroma obtusum Rowlee. a) Rafflesia b) Moth Orchid c) Djave Tree d) Balsa Tree 3) What is the human's closest genetic relative? For that reason, the best stands of balsa usually appear on the high ground between tropical rivers. It is a large, fast-growing tree that can grow up to 30 m (100 ft) tall. Ochroma pyramidale is the scientific name for the balsa tree. Ochroma pyramidale, commonly known as the balsa tree, is a large, fast-growing tree native to the Americas. Tree species used in the construction of the aircraft White pine Baltic birch Doulas fir Mahagony Okoume Larch Balsa Spruce Ash Marine and aircraft plywoodFrom Estonian AS MASS Ltd. which is one of the largest veneer and solid wood distributor in the Baltic region = Euro Norm No Note: Impregnation in autoclave is not recommended. Tree to not confuse with the balsam Fir is the scientific name of this is... For humans, Ochroma lagopus from it Combustion of wood < /a balsa... 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