PRONUNCIATION: kee-KOO-yoo ALTERNATE NAMES: Kikuyu; Gekoyo LOCATION: Kenya POPULATION: 6.8 million LANGUAGE: Gikuyu;English and KiSwahili (national languages) RELIGION: Christianity (Roman Catholicism, Anglicanism, fundamentalist groups, African Separatist Churches); ancestor spirits (Mungiki etc) RELATED ARTICLES: Vol. popular garden lawn grass in Australia, South Africa and Southern California because of its drought tolerance; External links for 'kikuyu'* Pennisetum clandestinum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. By Robin Dobos. Samples and w et chemical analy ses Two hundred and eighty eight samples of kikuyu grass originating from four commercial dairy farms of the Poas highlands, Costa Rica, were used (Population 1). Term. The town is located about 20 km (12 mi) northwest of central Nairobi. kikuyu grass n (Plants) a type of fast-growing tropical grass, Pennisetum clandestinum, native to E Africa Collins English Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 Want to thank TFD for its existence? 1)The high moisture content forage is harvested at flowering stage. 3. Name - Pennisetum clandestinum Synonym - Cenchrus clandestinus Family - Poaceae. Fertilize -- While Kikuyu grass will grow well without fertilizer, you should look to fertilize it for a better-looking lawn. Widely naturalised southern and eastern Australia (i.e. Its leaves are short and become coarse-textured with age. popular garden lawn grass in Australia, South Africa and Southern California because of its drought tolerance; External links for 'kikuyu'* Pennisetum clandestinum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. definition of Wikipedia. Click on the "Listen" button to listen to the pronunciation of Kikuyu Grass in your preferred language. kikumon. in southern . But Gikuyu, the first Kikuyu, knew that Ngai loved the earth and the seasons, and chose the digging-stick.. popular garden lawn grass in Australia, South Africa and Southern California because of its drought tolerance; External links for 'kikuyu'* Pennisetum clandestinum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Its ability to spread quickly makes it ideal for lawns that take a hammering from children or pets. Synthetic, fake or artificial lawns are increasing in popularity, we've installed 100's of gardens over the years for families who are looking for a year round solution without the need for mowing, maintenance, mud or mess. The storage could take place in a pit, tower, bunker-type, trench or plastic silo. Kikuyu: [noun] a member of a Bantu-speaking people of Kenya. Kikuyu Grass Pronunciation Kuh koo yoo Pennisetum Clandestinum Kikuyu grass is native to the highland regions of East Africa. Weed the seeds if the grass is already thick enough to avoid an overgrown lawn. Type - grass Height - 2 to 4 inches (5 to 10 cm) Exposure - full sun. Thanks for visiting The Crossword Solver. Average air temperat-ure varies between 9.2 to 10.8ºC in the coldest months and 19.4 to 22.3ºC in the warmest months. (kɪˈkuːjuː) noun Word forms: plural -yus, esp collectively -yu. The Imperial Seal of Japan, a stylized chrysanthemum used as a mon by the Japanese emperor and his family. English Pronunciation (noun) If an internal link led you here, you may wish to change the link to point directly to the intended article. To keep it hydrated, let the grass grow higher and mow less often during summer. Model definition and parameterisation ," Agricultural Systems , Elsevier, vol. Its small seed-heads remain hidden within the leaf sheaths and seeds are rarely formed. Turf grass perimeters shall be minimized to improve irrigation efficiency. 2. the language of the Kikuyu, a Bantu language. Buffalo grasses like Sir Walter have an impressive shade tolerance and does a bit better than Empire Zoysia in this regard. Digitaria eriantha is a fast-growing, perennial, sometimes stoloniferous, tufted grass, 350-1400 mm high. . grammar. The experiment was carried out at Marengo Agricultural Center of the National University of Colombia. Definition. C limate of the experimental site is subtropical, without a defined dry season and with cool summers. Kikuyu as a noun means The Bantu language of the Kikuyu.. Soil - ordinary Foliage - evergreen Moisture - dry to swampy (all). Similar basal temperatures were obtained by Colman and O'Neill (1978) in another study. Listen to the audio pronunciation in several English accents. What does kikuyu-grass mean? (n.) The season of fresh grass; spring. There are couch grass, kikuyu, and buffalo grass in the warm season. Look through examples of grass translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar. The Grasses and Pastures of South Africa. Cool Season Varieties include: Fescue, Ryegrass, Kentucky bluegrass and Bent grass. -yus, -yu. The growth of artificial grass. Widely naturalised southern and eastern Australia (i.e. Kikuyu language - Kikuyu or Gikuyu (Gikuyu: Gĩkũyũ [ɣēkōjó]) is a language of the Bantu family spoken primarily by the Kikuyu people (Agĩkũyũ) of Kenya. English Pronunciation; Pronunciation in other languages Define kikuyu. kikuyu Kikuyu kikuyu grass kikumon. Kikuyu definition, a member of an Indigenous people of Kenya having an agricultural economy and notable as being the originators of the Mau Mau. Mears P, 1970. 1) Watering your turf. Related Papers. Studies on the physiology of kikuyu grass GRASS 6 letter words KIKUYU. 2.9. The definition of grass is 'of the family Poaceae which has jointed stems, long and narrow leaves and seed-like fruit.' There are a number of different grass types and species that have characteristics that are ideal for lawns. By LizMcGonigal on September 18, 2017. the language of the Kikuyu, a Bantu language. Latin name: Pennisetum clandestinum Chiov. Kikuyu, Kenya - Kikuyu is a town in Kiambu County, Kenya, which grew from a settlement of colonial missionaries. It just sounds horrendous. Key Kikuyu facts. Lyn Webster uses her 'leather lawnmowers' when it comes to mulching kikuyu grass on her Northland farm. GRASS 6 letter words KIKUYU. Pennisetum clandestinum, family Gramineae 'But it was this raft of feet and noise that followed a disappointed Charlie down through the kikuyu grass at the edge of the dunes.' More example sentences Pronunciation Kikuyu as a pasture grass. Hi there! Studies on the physiology of kikuyu grass Kikuo pronunciation - How to properly say Kikuo. Definition of kikuyu. It often has long, hairy stolons. For pronunciation and definitions of きこない see: . Advertizing . For cool season grasses, it's the opposite. Rake and collect the clippings after mowing, as they can block air and sunlight. The branched or unbranched culms are mostly hairless and their joints are usually brownish. green night adder , [7] velvety-green night-adder [8] ) - In western Kenya this snake occurs north from the Mara area through Kisii , Kericho and the gulf areas to Kakamega , Eldoret . Highly digestible forages are associated with an in vitro low-methane (CH4) rumen fermentation profile and thus the possibility of reducing CH4 emissions from forage-based systems. yus 1. Modelling the growth and utilisation of kikuyu grass ( Pennisetum clandestinum) under grazing. Definition of kikuyu. 'Although most members were Kikuyus, they encouraged all ethnic groups to join together to achieve independence.' More example sentences Thanks for visiting The Crossword Solver. Meredith D, 1955. The herbage production and response to nitrogen fertilizer by kikuyu grass were measured in a field experiment conducted over a 12-month period. Kikuyu grass (English) Alternative forms kikuyugrass Noun Kikuyu. In other words, if the scientific name of a species . Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. The experiment was designed to measure the growth of kikuyu grass at different rates of application of nitrogen fertilizer but without limitation due to mineral nutrient supply other than nitrogen . Tropical Grasslands, 4:139-152. Extremely easy to care for and with quick growth and spread . Kikuyu grass gives you a solution against dry spells, foot traffic and watering. Search: Kikuyu Tree Names. Model definition and parameterisation. 1. What is Prairie Grass? Native to tropical eastern and central Africa. The rhizome is short, robust, knotty, unbranched. Listen to the audio pronunciation in several English accents. Gikuyu. Kikuyu Pronunciation How to pronounce Kikuyu. Below is a massive list of kikuyu words - that is, words related to kikuyu. 65(2), pages 73-97, August. grammar. Kikuyu grass; This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the same title. Kikuyu grass is the English meaning for the Kikuyu word thangari. (also kikuyu, kikuyu grass) A creeping perennial grass which is native to Kenya and cultivated elsewhere as a lawn and fodder grass. ex Chiov) harvested at different sward heights (10, 15, 20 . They consisted of a mixed set of regrowths ranging from 15 to 38 days of age and post-grazing samples obtained from rotationally-grazed paddocks. Remove kikuyu grass from surrounds back to couch as originally planted 2014 Create naturalised area for definition and improve aesthetics Look at alternate options to widen tees and re-route cart path around 7th green to 17th green. A tropical grass, Pennisetum clandestinum. The animals were supplemented daily with a balanced supplement. Definitions. The local Kikuyu community could not pronounce the name Cricket and they pronounced it as Kirigiti. Turf grass areas that have multi type grasses (i.e. Found mainly along roadsides, hay meadows, or in pastures, this grass is a cool-season bunchgrass that matures at about 2 to 3 feet (0.5 to 1 m.) in height. Does your lawn have to be the real thing? definition - KIKUYU. (n.) : Kikuyu Grass, Fescue Grass, Bermuda Grass, Blue Grass, etc.) Warm season grasses require higher temperatures and light with lower requirements for moisture. kikuyu. Although this grass is a perennial, it acts as an annual in parts of the southeast United States.Jun 10, 2021. Remove cart path lining bitou bush down to 2nd tee path not required in this area. Its small seed-heads remain hidden within the leaf sheaths and seeds are rarely formed. Click on the "Listen" button to listen to the pronunciation of Kikuyu in your preferred language. See more. A long-lived grass with creeping stems that form dense mats of vegetation. Definition: (n.) Popularly: Herbage; the plants which constitute the food of cattle and other beasts; pasture. kikuyu. The objective of this study was to predict the in vitro gas production and the estimated metabolisable energy (ME), crude protein (CP) and neutral detergent fibre (NDF) concentrations of kikuyu grass (Pennisetum clandestinum) by near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS).A total of 288 samples collected in the Poas Region, Costa Rica were scanned (Population 1). Kikuyu Grass Pronunciation How to pronounce Kikuyu Grass. kikumon (plural kikumon) Vegetable crops and rose geraniums grown in association with kikuyu grass (Pennisetum clandestinum) controlled with fluazifop-P . Also calleda grass, Pennisetum clandestinum, native to southern Africa, sometimes used in warm climates for lawns . "Modelling the growth and utilisation of kikuyu grass (Pennisetum clandestinum) under grazing. 1: Kenyans INTRODUCTION. A member of a people of central and southern Kenya. a member of an indigenous people of Kenya having an agricultural economy and notable as being the originators of the Mau Mau. 2.9. noun. Pronunciation: (ki-k'y), — pl. (usually lc) Also called: kikuyu grass. In the fullness of time he created three sons, who became the fathers of the Maasai, the Kamba, and the Kikuyu races, and to each son he offered a spear, a bow, and a digging-stick.. Pronunciation: pen-i-SEE-tum klan-des-TIE-num Common name: Kikuyu grass Family: Poaceae (Grass) Habitat: Weed in orchards and gardens, grasslands, riparian areas, disturbed and waste places, South Coast, northern Channel Ids, native to Africa Three offers of silage (dry matter, DM); 0%, 0.7% y 1.4% of LW) were evaluated complemented with kikuyu grass in grazing to reach a total offer of 4%. GRASS 6 letter words KIKUYU. Kikuyu grass is a tropical grass species which withstands subtropical temperatures and Ivory and Whiteman (1978) found that its growth ceased at around 8 C. Similar basal temperatures were . Download. Cape Town, South Africa: Central News Agency. Definition in the dictionary English. Similar basal temperatures were obtained by Colman and O'Neill (1978) in another study. Kikuyu is most well known for being a highly invasive and aggressive grower and it is this trait that makes it suitable in some cases as a home lawn. Still, if you can keep it back from the greens to promote short game options, it can work well in addressing the distance problem. Warm Season Varieties include: Couch, kikuyu, buffalo and zoysia. Check 'grass' translations into Kikuyu. Kikuyu grass is a tropical grass species which withstands subtropical temperatures and Ivory and Whiteman (1978) found that its growth ceased at around 8°C. Firstly, to categorise the different types of grass they are separated into either warm season or cool season . We aimed to assess the in vitro ruminal fermentation profile, including CH4 production, of the top stratum of Kikuyu grass (Cenchrus clandestinus - Hochst. 1. a member of an indigenous people of Kenya having an agricultural economy and notable as being the originators of the Mau Mau. 1. Proper. As stated in our regulations at 7 CFR 360.200, footnote 1, each scientific name in our lists of noxious weeds is intended to include all plants within the genus or species represented by the scientific name. In Australia, warm season grasses are suited to northern areas and cool season grasses to the far south. Thanks for visiting The Crossword Solver. kikyamu pronunciation - How to properly say kikyamu. The experiment was A long-lived grass with creeping stems that form dense mats of vegetation. Usage examples of "kikuyu". Although Kikuyu grass can be adapted to a wide range of soil types, it grows best in a fertile, moderately drained sort, for example, red basalt or an alluvial, moist sandy soil. Kikuyuland (English) Origin & history From Kikuyu + -land. Cut kikuyu grass short and often during wet months, as this is peak growth time. The term Kikuyu is the Swahili form of the native pronunciation Gikuyu.Group members refer to themselves as the Agikuyu.Gikuyu literally means a huge sycamore tree and Agikuyu thus literally refers to the children of the huge sycamore. 2)Wilted (drying) (to 30% dry matter)3)Silage is copped. Native to tropical eastern and central Africa. Acacia owns, beneficially and of record, 68,248,199 Partnership Common Units.Except as set forth in this Section 4.11(a) , neither the Parent, EMI, nor Acacia (i) directly or indirectly owns any Equity Interests in any other Person (other than the Partnership Group Entities) or (ii) has any material assets or material operations.. Parent owns, beneficially and of record, (A) 100% of the issued . Mzee Jomo Kenyatta held his last rally at Kirigiti stadium before the declaration of emergency in 1952. Kikuyu grasses (English) Noun Kikuyu grasses Plural of Kikuyu grass. Quantitative analysis of behaviour of grazing dairy cows. Definition of kikuyu. Kikuyu in American English. Just make sure the product you are using is designed to last and won't quickly rot or deteriorate. Kikuyu grass Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster kikuyu grass noun, often capitalized K Save Word Definition of kikuyu grass : a southern African forage grass (Pennisetum clandestinum) introduced into Australia and South America Love words? Kikuyus or Kikuyu) A Bantu. will be over seeded using the "Imperial Blend" grass seed or an approved equal. 913 m a.s.l), o n a 2 ha pasture of kikuyu grass (Pennisetum clandestinum) from November 2011 to May 2012. In Bolivia, soul-stealing spirits dwell in the canopy of figs and walking under, or felling God showed Gikuyu a place among the Mikuyu trees to live in Kikuyu is not a very good grass companion so it would be better if you don't combine it with other sorts The Kikuyu do not allow a fig tree to be cut down - they believe such an act could spell disaster in Kenya . 4)it is stored under anaerobic condition in order for fermentation to take place. Low budget seed does the trick for regrassing tough Northland paddocks. Kikuyu grass is renowned for its rapid lush green growth, drought hardiness, resistance to wear, and ability to survive gardener neglect. Michellon R, Seguy L, Perret S, 1996. In 2009 there were about 6.6 million speakers of Kikuyu, and the Kikuyu people (Agĩkũyũ) make up the largest ethnic group in Kenya. The leaf blade is 50-400 × 2-14 mm; the blade is . A tropical grass, Pennisetum clandestinum, native to Kenya and now a common lawn grass and invasive species elsewhere (Pennisetum clandestinum) and mixtures of Rhodes grass (Chloris gayana) and panic . You can expect a perfect performance with a pH from 5.5 to 7.0. Kikuyu grass is a tropical grass species which withstands subtropical temperatures and Ivory and Whiteman (1978) found that its growth ceased at around 8 C. Similar basal temperatures were . in southern . Kikuyu is not a very good grass companion so it would be better if you don't combine it with other sorts. Kikuyu Kikuyu grass is a perennial favourite for lawns throughout Australia. …. (usually l.c.) Kikuyu (English) Noun Kikuyu (pl. There are four mutually intelligible dialects known as Kirinyaga, Muranga, Nyeri and Kiambu. There are 312 kikuyu-related words in total, with the top 5 most semantically related being tribe, language, amharic, hindi and coptic.You can get the definition(s) of a word in the list below by tapping the question-mark icon next to it. At the end of the day the decision will come down to practicality, preference and price . The species native to Kenya, where Kikuyu people live and containing the words green or grass in their English common names are as follows: Causus resimus (Eng. Even the Kikuyu have forgotten its true name, and now know it only as Mount . The Gikuyu, like the white settlers in . Kikuyu Pronunciation /kɪˈkuːjuː/ Translate Kikuyu into Spanish noun plural noun Kikuyu, plural noun Kikuyus 1 A member of a people forming the largest ethnic group in Kenya. 1. Today the stadium is referred to as Kirigiti which is just a version of Cricket but with a Kikuyu corruption to it. Kev, I've played a bit on it as well and I couldn't possibly imagine a worse combination than the American overuse of long grass as a hazard and kikuyu. Kikuyu grass ( Pennisetum clandestinum) has been listed as a noxious weed since 1983. Its leaves are short and become coarse-textured with age. OPINION: I have been . Kikuyu grass definition: a type of fast-growing tropical grass , Pennisetum clandestinum , native to E Africa | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Timber sleepers (pine and hardwood) Pine or hardwood sleepers can create a nice natural effect for your edging and will work really well for straight lines. The Kikuyu are the largest ethnic group in Kenya.They speak the Bantu Kikuyu language as a mother tongue. Kikuyu grass is a tropical grass species which withstands subtropical temperatures and Ivory and Whiteman (1978) found that its growth ceased at around 8°C. (n.) An endogenous plant having simple leaves, a stem generally jointed and tubular, the husks or glumes in pairs, and the seed single. Kikuyu is a Bantu language spoken mainly in the Central Province of Kenya between Nyeri and Nairobi.

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