The case sets a precedent, which if it continues, sets the scenes for more secret trial. Hafoin ukun rasik-aan, nia haktuir, Bernard Collaery hola parte iha ekipa advogadu internasionál ne’ebé reperezenta Timor-Leste iha kazu disputa balun hasoru governu Austrália iha Tribunál Intenasionál. The lawsuits against former spy whistleblower Witness K and his lawyer Bernard Collaery have now cost the Australian government $ 3.7 million, new figures reveal. Comments. “Drop The Prosecutions”: Petition In Support Of Bernard Collaery and Witness K Hits 50,000 Signatures A petition calling for the Attorney-General to drop the prosecutions of Witness K and lawyer Bernard Collaery, who are being prosecuted in secret for their role revealing the Timor-Leste’s spy scandal, has reached more than 50,000 signatures. Witness K and Bernard Collaery charged under Intelligence Services Act Both Witness K and Mr Collaery were charged in 2018 with conspiring to reveal secret information. The prosecution of Bernard Collaery and Witness K – the two Australian men who assisted Timor- Leste to achieve a maritime border and greater access to its resources in the Timor Sea continues. The trials of Witness K, a former ASIS officer who blew the whistle on the unusual activities of his organisation, and Bernard Collaery, who was briefed to represent his interests and then charged by the Commonwealth for disclosing classified information, have been a travesty of justice. In a nutshell, Collaery, a barrister, and his client Witness K, a former intelligence officer, were charged over their role in exposing a 2004 … Collaery’s own attempts to publish a book on the affair … Witness K is scheduled to appear before court in Canberra on 29 March and we will show our solidarity with the Australian and Timorese activists demonstrating for justice for whistleblower Witness K and his lawyer Bernard Collaery and their rights to fair trial. The Inspector General of Intelligence and Security (IGIS) was informed. Collaery is facing trial for allegedly conspiring with his former client, intelligence officer Witness K, to expose an Australian bugging operation against Timor-Leste during negotiations to carve up oil and gas resources in the Timor Sea. He is on trial for doing the right thing. Secret Trials Down Under: Witness J, Witness K And Bernard Collaery – OpEd. He eventually sought Bernard Collaery for help. Christopher Knaus – Bernard Collaery has signalled he will appeal against a ruling that shrouds crucial parts of his trial in secrecy. With the release of his book, Oil Under Troubled Water, to coincide with Witness K’s plea hearing, ACT lawyer, Bernard Collaery, has raised the stakes on who the real wrong-doers are in this unedifying exposé of the Howard … Shut up or else." Witness K tried long and hard to convey the message of wrongdoing through official channels, and constantly came up against a brick wall. Post written by Susan Connelly. Bernard Collaery, Witness K legal bill hits $4.2m as cabinet documents remain in 'black hole of shameful secrets' Sarah Basford Canales; Federal Politics. Breaking News. Increasingly, whistleblowers’ lawyers are now being targeted.” Collaery and Witness K’s cases both remain before the courts in the Australian Capital Territory. The allegations relate to the exposure of Australia's alleged espionage against Timor-Leste during the negotiation of a resources treaty between the two countries in the early 2000s. Timor-Leste, Witness K, Bernard Collaery, Howard and Downer By Bruce Haigh Jul 5, 2021 This is a tale of greed, denial, delusion, racism, power, loyalty, ethics and courage. Witness K lawyer Bernard Collaery wins international free speech prize Lawyer earns the UK’s Blueprint for Free Speech whistleblowing prize for his efforts exposing Australia’s spy operation in Timor-Leste By Christopher Knaus in The Guardian, 2 December 2020 The Australian lawyer Bernard Collaery has won a prestigious British free speech “Bernard Collaery’s story highlights that those under threat no longer include only whistleblowers and the journalists who work with them in the public interest. A legal challenge to the secrecy of information involved in the prosecution of a lawyer for representing whistleblower Witness K will itself be held i. Tuesday , 15 June 2021 . " ' Witness K' and lawyer Bernard Collaery charged with breaching intelligence act over East Timor spying revelations". ABC News. Retrieved 2 July 2018. ^ a b Cannane, Steve (28 August 2018). " ' Witness K' lawyer Bernard Collaery got jail warning from Government over book months before being charged in Timor-Leste spy case". Audio-Visual. Since when is it a crime to report a crime? It is not Mr Collaery and witness K who are on trial here but the Australian government. Latest Posts. One of the clerks I worked with, Terry Yates, a follower of Dorothy Day, exposed the injustice of the Timor Gap treaty long before Bernard Collaery and Witness K. Witness K and Bernard Collaery: An Unjust Prosecution Gets Even Worse - Pearls and Irritations. 10 November 2021. It is Alexander Downer who should have faced court, along with John Howard and Bernard Collaery is a great Australian. Bernard Collaery is a former ACT Attorney-General and a prominent Canberra lawyer. Post written by Susan Connelly. Collaery is facing trial for allegedly conspiring with his former client, intelligence officer Witness K, to expose an Australian bugging operation against Timor-Leste during negotiations to carve up oil and gas resources in the Timor Sea. These prosecutions must be discontinued. A protest sign in support of Witness K and Bernard Collaery outside the ACT Courts in 2021. Wasteful, Secret and Vicious: the Absurd Prosecution of Witness K and Bernard Collaery by Binoy Kampmark This week has not been a good one for the Australian legal system. The Inspector General of Intelligence and Security (IGIS) was informed. Bernard Collaery exposes the Timor Sea betrayal This is a review of “The trials of Bernard Collaery and Witness K” by Stephen Charles published in John Menadue’s Pearls and Irritations. Photo: Albert McKnight. Witness K, one of the ASIS officers involved, went to the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security to raise his concerns about a changed culture within the institution and was given permission to engage Bernard Collaery, a former ACT Attorney-General, as his lawyer. 18 March 2022. What Witness K and Bernard Collaery have done is shine a spotlight on that fact, deeply embarrassing governments by showing for all to see that the highest levels of government, even in international relations, are corrupted, are coopted by polluting profiteering. In June 2018, Collaery and Witness K were summonsed to appear on charges alleging breaches variously of the criminal code and the Intelligence Services Act – conspiracy to communicate Asis information – and, in Collaery’s case, also communicating Asis information to journalists at the ABC. … Bernard Collaery has signalled he will appeal against a ruling that shrouds crucial parts of his trial in secrecy. While the trial of Witness K is over, there is a case proceeding against his lawyer, Mr Bernard Collaery, whose office was raided in 2013, before this government decided in 2018 that he would be prosecuted. Supporters of "Witness K" and his then-lawyer Bernard Collaery have staged multiple protests outside the Canberra courts in the past few years. (AAP: Lukas Coch) A former senior spy known as "Witness K" has pleaded guilty in the ACT Magistrates Court to conspiring to reveal classified information. Permission to retain the services of Collaery was sought and granted. Timor-Leste, Alice in Wonderland, Witness K, Bernard Collaery, Howard and Downer. [...] Print Articles 9 December 2021 This is a legal fiasco of the first order. Lawyer Bernard Collaery is being prosecuted for allegedly helping his then client, Witness K, reveal aspects of an alleged secret bugging operation against East Timor. There a few more spiteful things in political life than a … Witness K, a former Australian spy, and his lawyer, former ACT Attorney-General Bernard Collaery, are currently being prosecuted for breaches of the Intelligence Services Act 2001 (Cth). This is not only about the mistreatment of the individuals concerned. In 2013 the Timorese government briefed Australian lawyer Bernard Collaery to represent its interests in the Sunrise dispute, Witness K having by then allegedly given information to him. Posted by 11 months ago. Bernard Collaery’s bombshell ... the bad-faith accusation in the International Court of Justice it would have been counterproductive to prosecute Collaery and Witness K for leaking about the ASIS operation. Supporters of lawyer Bernard Collaery and 'Witness K' have staged multiple protests against a secret trial. Last year, the Attorney-General’s Department revealed the cost of prosecuting Witness K and Bernard Collaery had skyrocketed to over $3 million – more than $200,000 per month since the trials began. These are trials the Morrison government wants to hold in secret. This is a legal fiasco of the first order. If this claim proves to be true, it will show that rather than Bernard Collaery and Witness K being responsible for undermining Australia’s national interests, the Australian government was itself responsible for this travesty. The persecution of Witness K and Bernard Collaery is wrong. Witness K and Bernard Collaery secret trial protest in Sydney on November 9. At some time after 2007 Witness K, allegedly an ASIS officer, was prompted to complain about the legality of the bugging operation. Collaery and Witness K were treated like heroes in Timor-Leste, but faced years of harassment by intelligence services here. There are other troubling cases, two of which are taking place in the Australian capital: that of former Australian Secret Intelligence Service agent Witness K and his lawyer, Bernard Collaery. Picture: Jamila Toderas The Coalition government has spent more than $3 million prosecuting Bernard Collaery and Witness K, as oficials reject claims the lawyer and whistleblower have been subjected to … (AAP: Lukas Coch) Secrecy could damage public confidence in justice system, says Chief Justice The ACT Court of Appeal said the release of the material had been narrowed down to six specific matters. This is a direct threat to democratic rights in Australia. Permission to retain the services of Collaery was sought and granted. In Franz Kafka’s book The Trial the accused, Josef K, manages to arouse the court’s anger by loudly complaining about the absurdity of the proceedings and the accusation itself, if he could only understand it. 18 March 2022. ABC News (Australia) published this video item, entitled “Witness K lawyer Bernard Collaery wins latest round in battle for open trial | … Collaery and Witness K were treated like heroes in Timor-Leste, but faced years of harassment by intelligence services here. In June 2018 the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions filed criminal charges against Witness K & his lawyer, Bernard Collaery for essentially exposing the truth of Australia’s espionage against an ally and a newly independent country struggling to get its … Witness K and Bernard Collaery: An Unjust Prosecution Gets Even Worse By Spencer Zifcak in Pearls and Irritations, 12 October 2020 The prosecution of former ACT Attorney-General, Bernard Collaery, and his client, Witness K, continues to play itself out before the ACT Supreme Court. Secret Trials Down Under: Witness J, Witness K and Bernard Collaery by Dr. Binoy Kampmark 2020-07-02 09:25:38: Print - Comment - Send to a Friend - More from this Author: There a few more spiteful things in political life than a security establishment attempting to punish a leaker or whistleblower for having exposed an impropriety. Former Timor-Leste president Jose Ramos-Horta has called upon the Australian government to drop the prosecution against former Australian Secret Intelligence Services (ASIS) Agent, Witness K, and h… Collaery and "Witness K" were accused of conspiring to communicate secret information to the Government of Timor-Leste some time between May 2008 and May 2013. In 1999 I volunteered to go to East Timor as a District Electoral Officer because the Timorese were being given the chance of voting for or against independence. The public forum to be held on 29 October 2019 will involve a discussion of the prosecution of Witness K and Bernard Collaery through the lens of highly qualified speakers. Cheating our poor neighbour, to whom we already owed a great debt, is unconscionable! Gareth Smith started this petition to Christian Porter (Attorney general) and 1 other. The Australia–East Timor spying scandal began in 2004 when the Australian Secret Intelligence Service (ASIS) clandestinely planted covert listening devices in a room adjacent to the East Timor (Timor-Leste) Prime Minister's Office at Dili, to obtain information in order to ensure Australia held the upper hand in negotiations with East Timor over the rich oil and gas fields in the Timor Gap. Witness K and Collaery were then notified they could be prosecuted for breaches of the Intelligence Services Act. For those who feel that an open justice process requires abuses of power to be exposed and held to account, it was particularly awful. I worked in the Australian Tax Office for about 20 years. This is the prosecution of Bernard Collaery, the former ACT attorney-general and lawyer for Witness K, the former ASIS officer turned whistleblower. Prosecutions of Bernard Collaery and Witness K | Just In and Out 76,000 signatures on petition delivered 13 December 2021 The “Drop the Prosecutions” petition was delivered to the offices of the PM, the AG, and the CDPP. Collaery’s co-accused Witness K has pleaded guilty and was given a suspended sentence and a good behaviour bond. Click here. Open justice v secrecy: what is the case against Witness K lawyer Bernard Collaery all about? Why Bernard Collaery's case is one of the gravest threats to freedom of expression. Secret Trials Down Under: Witness J, Witness K And Bernard Collaery – OpEd. Witness K and that lawyer, Bernard Collaery, are now both on trial. Witness K to plead guilty to breaching intelligence act as lawyer Bernard Collaery committed to trial An ex-spy known as "Witness K" has indicated he will plead guilty to breaching the Intelligence Services Act, but his lawyer Bernard Collaery will continue to fight the charge in a case that was today committed to trial in the ACT Supreme Court. Canberra lawyer Bernard Collaery leaving the ACT Magistrates Court. Cost of prosecuting Witness K and lawyer Bernard Collaery balloons to $3.7m The secrecy in the Collaery case is triggered by the use of the National Security Information Act (NSI Act), which was introduced in 2004 to better control how sensitive information is … Drop the Charges Against Bernard Collaery and Witness K. This petition had 4,227 supporters. Witness K and his lawyer, Bernard Collaery, are on trial for alleged breaches of official secrets and security law for disclosing the Australian Government’s espionage against Timor-Leste in the context of disputes about access to oil and gas resources in the Timor Sea. Witness K, one of the ASIS officers involved, went to the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security to raise his concerns about a changed culture within the institution and was given permission to engage Bernard Collaery, a former ACT Attorney-General, as his lawyer. The book is alternatively macabre and comical – much like the Commonwealth’s case against our own K, Witness K, and his former lawyer, Bernard … A protest sign in support of Witness K and Bernard Collaery outside the ACT Courts in 2021. 49. Witness K, with the assistance of Collaery, subsequently blew the lid on the operation, though they did so, ironically enough, through legal channels. The prosecution should never have commenced. ( ABC News) Bernard Collaery is being prosecuted for revealing national secrets — specifically, that Australia bugged East Timor's government building in 2004 to gain advantage in crucial oil and gas negotiations. Witness K And Bernard Collaery Saturday, 27 June 2020, 5:52 pm Opinion: Binoy Kampmark This week has not been a good one for the Australian legal system. While he should not have to face a trial at all for helping his client, Witness K, this is a positive step, writes Jim McIlroy. Photo: Albert McKnight. A petition calling for the Attorney-General to drop the prosecutions of Witness K and lawyer Bernard Collaery, who are being prosecuted in secret for their role revealing the Timor-Leste’s spy scandal, has reached more than 50,000 signatures.. Witness K is in court this week, in closed-court proceedings nobody is meant to know about. Bernard Collaery will be allowed to make public certain information in his trial. The allegations relate to the exposure of Australia's alleged espionage against Timor-Leste during the negotiation of a resources treaty between the two countries in the early 2000s. This resulted in the arranging for evidence, to be … It began with the Q&A program on the national The group behind the campaign, Coalition of Supporters of Bernard Collaery and Witness K (COSOCK), has … There was a hearing at the ACT Magistrates Court involving Witness K on Wednesday 22 July during which the case was adjourned until around 20th August. The government’s external legal costs related to high-profile cases have increased significantly since the middle of last year, when the tally was $ 2 million. 1288. Photo: Coral Wynter. Collaery says Witness K was put through “six years of seclusion, harassment and questioning”. This is Commonwealth Attorney-General Christian Porter’s fault. Close. Bernard Collaery and Witness K were both charged with revealing national secrets. Tuir Moises, Bernard Collaery nia kliente ida naran Witness K mak ko’alia sai lia loos kona-ba atividade It is high time it was put an end to. At some time after 2007 Witness K, allegedly an ASIS officer, was prompted to complain about the legality of the bugging operation. Click on the title above for the list of court hearings, photographs, speeches and more. This is the prosecution of Bernard Collaery, the former ACT attorney-general and lawyer for Witness K, the former ASIS officer turned whistleblower. In 2013 the Timorese government briefed Australian lawyer Bernard Collaery to represent its interests in the Sunrise dispute, Witness K having by then allegedly given information to him. The tale takes place in the subterranean world of spies, spooks, spivs and secret trials. Contact Maire Leadbeater 0274-436-957 maire Background The federal government has succeeded in its attempt to have a judge receive “court only evidence” in the case against Bernard Collaery, which is secret information the whistleblower and his lawyers cannot view. Witness K has been convicted and given a 3-month suspended sentence and a 12-month good behaviour bond while Bernard Collaery – a highly-regarded member of the legal profession who has been supported throughout this ordeal by the Law Council of Australia – potentially faces 2 years gaol. This is a tale of greed, denial, delusion, racism, power, loyalty, ethics and courage. Oct 12, 2020 The prosecution of former ACT Attorney-General, Bernard Collaery, and his client, Witness K, continues to play itself out before the ACT Supreme Court. The federal government has succeeded in its attempt to have a judge receive “court only evidence” in the case against Bernard Collaery, which is secret information the whistleblower and his lawyers cannot view. Bernard Collaery was once the Attorney-General of the Australian Capital Territory but he now finds himself seated in the dock in that jurisdiction along with his client, a former officer of the Australian Security Intelligence Service (ASIS), known as Witness K. Mr Collaery and Witness K have been charged with allegedly breaching section 39 of the Federal … In June 2018, the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions filed criminal charges against Collaery and his client, known as "Witness K", in the Australia–East Timor spying scandal. The following article appeared in Pearls and Irritations on 5 July, 2021. The Australia–East Timor spying scandal began in 2004 when the Australian Secret Intelligence Service (ASIS) clandestinely planted covert listening devices in a room adjacent to the East Timor (Timor-Leste) Prime Minister's Office at Dili, to obtain information in order to ensure Australia held the upper hand in negotiations with East Timor over the rich oil and gas fields in the Timor … [...] Print. Witness K, a former Australian spy, and his lawyer, former ACT Attorney-General Bernard Collaery, are currently being prosecuted for breaches of the Intelligence Services Act 2001 (Cth). Witness K, with the assistance of Collaery, subsequently blew the lid on the operation, though they did so, ironically enough, through legal channels. He was lawyer for Witness K, the former ASIS officer turned whistleblower over the illegal bugging by the Australian Government of the cabinet offices of Timor-Leste. 25,000 UAE students join after-school maths and coding program as parents fret over pandemic lost learning; Bernard Collaery and Witness K are facing prosecution as a result of the Government’s bugging of the Timor-Leste offices in 2004 to gain advantage in the Timor Sea oil and gas resources negotiations. Father of Lies 2 Timor L ’Este, Witness ‘K’ and Bernard Collaery That Australia had cheated on East Timor, one of the poorest and newest countries in the world was revealed by Bob Carr and Mark Dreyfus in 2013, but it was not until Andrew Wilkie used parliamentary privilege, that we learned that those who have made this grubby secret known are to be … Secret Trials Down Under: Witness J, Witness K and Bernard Collaery by Binoy Kampmark / June 22nd, 2020 There are few more spiteful things in political life than a security establishment attempting to punish a leaker or whistleblower for having exposed an impropriety. 7 December 2021. Dressed in black are Howard and Downer, in white K and Collaery. Why Bernard Collaery's case is one of the gravest threats to freedom of expression. The “Witness K” and Bernard Collaery Hearings. Australia. democracy — failed Witness K to thevery end By Bernard Keane in, 21 June 2021 The wrong person was in the dock being sentenced last week in the ACT Magistrates Court in relation to Australia’s 2004 bugging of the Timor-Leste cabinet room. Dressed in black are Howard and Downer, in white are Witness K and Collaery. What message does this trumped-up harassment send to whistleblowers? The charge related to allegations Australian government agents bugged the cabinet room of East Timor during sensitive negotiations between the countries on oil and gas. He served as Attorney-General of the ACT. Is wrong b Cannane, Steve ( 28 August 2018 ). and Bernard Collaery < /a > Canberra Bernard... For about 20 years Intelligence and Security ( IGIS ) was informed is a legal fiasco of the bugging.. After 2007 Witness K and Bernard Collaery got jail warning from government over months! Tale takes place in the Australian Tax Office for about 20 years over months. 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