Write 15 slogans on girl child education - general Q&A Some problems affecting the education of the girl child in northern Nigeria and areas where the library can support the girl - child education and how it can enhance reading habit among children by providing relevant information are highlighted. She can be a daughter, wife, mother, boss, and a mentor at the same time. But it is really devastating how many communities and side groups bring about gender differences with a set mind and discriminate against the education of girls. We all know it is a significant step to take a girl child to a school and a splendid gift to give her the gift of education. Share on Facebook. Educating Your Girl Child is important. Let them grow and educate. The current female literacy rate (ages 15 and above) in the country is put at 59.4 percent a figure less than the male adult literacy rate of 74.4 percent. Education is a very important factor for a girl child for the overall development of the country/ nation. Educated girls contribute to the development of self, family, community and the nation. Importance of Girls' Education - 3 Essays - ImportantIndia.com Focus on education and develop the nation. Here . Essay on Educating a Girl Child means Educating the Family Education is an essential part of life for both the boy child and the girl child. Thank you! "Girls' education is about so much more than knowledge. PDF Girls' education: towards a better future for all Looking at the words of Michelle Obama, "If a country reduces the capacity of its women and ignores the participation of half of its population, its progress is not possible". It has the ability to shape one's life in the right direction. Importance of Educating a girl Child By Janvi Education of a child starts from the family and mother is the first teacher. Girls the world over face gender discrimination - just for being born a daughter and not a son. 1. early pregnancy impede girl-child education; that girl-child education is negatively affected by the belief that if a woman is educated, she will dominate her husband, and that misunderstanding of the position of Islam on the education of girls impedes girl-child education especially in the Northern Nigeria. Girls are the base of life, educate them and empower them! Importance Of Girl's Education - Essay and speech The impact of violence also has negative management in education and curbs the safety among education. But, the irony in India is that although the deity of education is a female i.e. In the discourse around education, girl child education has always received separate attention and strategic importance nationally as well as internationally. Importance of Girl Child Education - Empowering Girls ... If we wish to see India progress and develop, we need to educate our girl child. It prepares oneself or others intellectually for mature life. By providing the girl child education in rural areas not only these girls get a proper education but also there is a rise in the literacy rate in general. It is a fact that the foundation of every home is the woman. Kathryn - May 20, 2020. There is ample evidence worldwide that improvements in girls' education benefit the status of the family and empower women. The girl was always an unwanted child, and was found killed at birth. The long-term benefits of girl education can help a society grow holistically and lead to true women empowerment which can have far-reaching impacts. Numerous benefits come with educating girls the right way. People think educating a boy is better than educating a girl becaue a boy can earn more. importance of educating girl child in india 1. name : rishav lohani importance of educating girl child in india 2. contents introduction history of indian girls education importance of girl's education reasons behind not getting education essential steps to be taken government's steps towards girls education some inspirations for girl's education conclusion bibliography The importance of girls' education should not be looked over. [UNESCO], 2014). importance of education for girls and break age-old shackles in girls' education. About 57million children around the world are not going to school, and a greater percentage of . Importance of Educating Your Girl . A lot can be done by simply spreading the message by talking to someone and continuing to do so till we see that every girl is given the opportunity to go to school. Importance of Girls Education for India's Development Importance of Girls Education for India's Development. Education. Just the fact that a part of the population still asks what the importance of women education is in a male-dominated society, makes a lot of women feel low and sick. Education lays the foundation for a Bright Future. They are indeed the future of our nation. Importance of Girl Child Education. By ensuring that a girl has equal access to education, employment and adequate health care, the benefits will be passed on to her children (both boys and girls), community and her country." Many of us take our education for granted. This comprises the general education at schools, colleges, professional education, vocational education, and technical education, etc. Girls are the future. Smaller Families: Increased participation in school reduces fertility rates over time. Every girl must get equal opportunity for education. Focusing on girl-child education in Nigeria, as a socio-economic rights issue to which access to justice is a challenge and to which legal strategic mechanism can bring a change is a positive one. The importance of educating a girl child is a well-discussed topic. When girls are educated, their families, communities, and nations prosper. Getting a proper education is very important to get success and a happy life. unlocks women's leadership for policy change that benefits everyone. Some argue that it is okay for girls to be uneducated as long as she is . She's a child who deserves a future. Author S Tandon. It is sad that some communities still discriminate against the education of the girl child. Education is power and makes a girl powerful. Also lack of education and exposure to world keeps them from realizing the potential of their girl child. Girl's education puts them in a good position to chase after their dreams and therefore live fulfilled lives having achieved their dreams. Books are tools of success and develop the nation. The importance of school education in child development. National Girl Child Day is observed every year in India on 24 January to promote awareness about the rights of a girl child and to promote the importance of their education, health, and nutrition. Never make a girl devoid of education and lack of birthrights. An African proverb says, 'If you educate a man, you educate an individual, but if you . These are reasons why a girl should be educated: 1. All these statistics certainly reveal the kind of discrimination that women face in today's world. Such countries include parts of the African continent and other countries too. Table 1. In India, the literacy rate is awful when it comes to the male to female ration. Educating girls is one of the most important investments that any country can make in its own future. Debate on Girl education points out that girls education is not given much importance in many parts of India, because of the reasons like dowry, child marriage, caste system and purdah system prevalent in the society. Importance of Girl's education. Abstract: The importance of girl-child education cannot be over emphasized. And the process of education has to begin early in life. Every child has a right to learn and get a good quality education, regardless of gender, where they live or their circumstances. I mean, many people argue, it does not matter if a girl gets educated or not. Importance of girl child education in India. The population for the study PMID: 12158008 Abstract PIP: This article discusses the importance of educating female children in India. Yet when it comes to Educating a Girl, there is Gender Bias of Humongous Proportion. The picture in Afghanistan is little different. To get more success in life education is very important. 3. Every girl has the rights to learn! Educating the girl child in rural areas Soc Change. If the goal to make the world a better place is to be achieved. We do not appreciate what it affords us. Focus on Girl Child education and develop the nation. The girl child education is a fundamental human right that should be made available by all and sundry without any rethink. This National Day of the Girl Child, let's get inspired by the possibilities visible in these pictures, challenge the stereotypes and mind-sets that keep girls out of school, and pledge to end gender disparity in education. When girls are educated, they become more aware of the world around them which leads to decrease in maternal mortality, child marriages, decrease in a population explosion and, in the true sense, and help a nation in maintaining its resources. The Girls Global Education Fund reports that when a child is born to a woman in Africa who hasn't received an education, he or she has a 1 in 5 chance of dying before 5. Girls Education in India. Importance of Education Essay. A girls education is less likely to be valued, and she's more likely to be forced into early marriage, face violence or be stolen by traffickers. Education is a basic fundamental right of every human, irrespective of their gender. Education plays an important role in the protection of women's rights. It is very important to educate the girl child, which will help us to build a better community and a skilled nation. According to UNICEF, education for girls is a lifeline to development. The girls phenomenon is a less attentive issue especially their welfare and role in nation building. Slogans on girl child education are. Bit if a girl is also well educated she can also earn. Denying the girlchild - access to education implies making her a dysfunctional With just one day left before the closing of our Girls Count competition, we want to hear from more young people on what would work best for girls' education. This presentation is about the imporatance of female education in our country especially. Benefits of Girl Education. Table 1 presents some of the key benefits of educating girls. Long Speech on Girls Education. (4) Advancement of Diagnostic Techniques - Through modern diagnostic techniques like Ultrasound and Amniocentesis, it is now possible to know the sex of the fetus as early as 12 weeks into the pregnancy. Carla Koppell of USAID called female education a "silver bullet" for empowerment and progress. Education is an essential part of a living being, whether it is a boy or a girl. Educate a girl child and brightens the future of country. Fri, 05 Dec 2014 12:00:00 GMT. Each one, teach one is the best strategy to enhance the status of the girl child. Hence, this study therefore examined the problems and challenges of girl-child education in kebbi state, with particular reference to Kalgo local government area. Education is the most important tool in life and it offers inner and outer strength to a person. Moreover, when they become educated, they will not have to be dependent on others for their livelihood. Importance of Girl Child Education - Essay 1 Girl child education refers to all aspects of education aimed at developing the competence, skills, and knowledge of girl child and women. It Furthers Educated Generations: By sending a girl to school, she is more likely to send her children to school. Girl's Education Every Girl Deserves an Education. If we see parents or other members of our community trying to stop girls from going to school, we should first try to talk to them and make them understand about the importance of educating girls. Slogans on Importance of Girl Child Education. The immediate benefit and long-term impact of educating a girl is astonishing. very influential people in children's lives. Educating girls is one of the most important investments that any country can make in its own future. Education is one of the key components for an individual's success. reduces child marriage and gender-based violence. By. UNESCO (2011) has affirmed that an educated man is more likely to be open minded to realities surrounding educating a girl-child. India is still far from achieving gender equality and its skewed sex ratio of 940 females per 1000 males bears witness to this fact. Importance of girl-child education. Girls are the base of life, educate them and empower them! I mean, many people argue, it does not matter if a girl gets educated or not. By. Education is extremely important for every child today, regardless of boy or girl difference. Child marriage leads girls to have children earlier and more children over their lifetime. 917 words essay on Girl child in India. Increased Literacy: When both the gender receives equal education, it will increase the literacy rate.Thus, it enhances the development in struggling regions. Several other policies, like 30% reservation to women candidates in services, enhanced subsidy to girls entrepreneurs, various self employment schemes launched for the benefits of women like Women Entrepreneur Development Programme, Self Help Groups of women have resulted in mobilizing and . Despite evidence demonstrating how central girls' education is to development, gender disparities in education persist. Educating the girl child leads to every perspective of education that strives at improving the skill and experience of girls. The role of education is extremely important here and goes a long way in empowering women. We must understand the importance of educating a girl child. More and more girl children need to be sent to school, provided quality and holistic education. It was first initiated in 2008 by the Ministry of Women and Child Development to create awareness on a range of issues including education, health, and nutrition of the girl child. Without education, these girls face early marriage, or migrating to cities to work as child labourers, where they are too often exploited. Girl-child education is a catch-all term for a complex set of issues and debates surrounding (primary education, secondary, and tertiary and health education in particular) for girl and women. This gender preference goes hand-in-hand with gender discrimination. leads to healthier communities and nations, reducing maternal and infant mortality and malnutrition, stunting, HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases. Education is the first step to reduce poverty and inequality in any society. The solution to high rate of girl child drop outs from school is to encourage enlightenment campaigns on the importance of girl- child education. This is due to the recognised gaps in policy, implementation as well as existing socio-economic and cultural parameters associated with it. Some argue that it is okay for girls to be uneducated as long as she is . From doing dirty dishes to holding business meetings, nothing is impossible for a woman. The poor girl child has to always face ignorance. Follow. Girls are future, let them grow and educate. Educating girls is important because only if the girl child is educated the nature is also free from all other problems. Education is the biggest tool and the most effective protective mechanism to enable girls to avoid child marriage and follow their dreams and aspirations. Even after years of progress and plethora of initiatives, there are . Tweet on Twitter. Educating girls can give many powerful leaders to the country. It also helps to prevent discrimination on the basis o Education helps an individual to be smarter, to learn new . Educating a girl child helps her develop the ability to make informed decisions, join the work force, overcome poverty, and benefit her community at large, thus contributing to the development of our nation. Girl's education refers to the provision of the girl child in society to access education and the educational facilities she requires without any discrimination against them.. There are approximately 34 million adolescent girls out of school. The Girl-Child. Education is a vital . The growth is parallel to the future of our country, reflected through quality of the present education system. The girl-child is a biological female offspring from birth to eighteen (18) years of age. Health improves. During this period, the young child is totally under the care . Education has a profound effect on girls' and women's ability to claim other rights and achieve status in society, such as economic independence and political representation.As the following Now the important of educating the girls is being felt. Those men with no or lower educational background might devalue the importance of educating their girl-child, instead they see her as a child bearer who has to be married off while young at exorbitant bridal price. The largest impacts in terms of economic costs are through fertility and population growth. Educate the girls and empower . A change. Education is highly beneficial and has a very strong and positive impact in our daily lives. Educate a girl child; she can be a best leader of the country. It is the most critical . The children of today are gearing up to become adult citizens of tomorrow. Educate her! Now the important of educating the girls is being felt. Deepika Sharma, Principal SRS International School. It is a fundamental right for everyone. And as more girls go to school, it . This is a five-minute speech on girls' education and will be very useful for Grade 8 to 12 learners who can explain in more detail its importance using clear language. Given the prevailing influence of patriarchal values, right from their birth, a lot many . A child's education is vital as it gives them the knowledge and skills they require. Globally, between now and 2030, child marriage is expected to cost the equivalent of trillions of dollars to populations in the developing world. Education is the best way to reform girls. There is a high probability that the longer a girl will be in school, the less likely she will get married before 18 and have children as a teenager. Girls education is a way to a developed nation. Education is the only key to empower girls. The importance of education for the girl child in rural India is: Literacy rate. Importance of educating a girl child in Indian Society. Several other policies, like 30% reservation to women candidates in services, enhanced subsidy to girls entrepreneurs, various self employment schemes launched for the benefits of women like Women Entrepreneur Development Programme, Self Help Groups of women have resulted in mobilizing and . Education is the only utility which can empower girls. With the advancement of Science and Technology this killing has only . Why is a girl child important to our society? key to a successful living, especially girl-child education (Micheal, 2011). Essay on Girl Education: Education of the girl child has been a long-standing mission of the governments of many counties where the sex ratio is between girls and boys is grossly unequal. Education has a profound effect on girls' and women's ability to claim other rights and achieve status in society, such as economic independence and political representation.As the following The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. This is the age before one becomes a young adult. There are certain countries where the number of females is considerably low compared to the number of males. Societies are transformed. The Top 10 Reasons to Support Girls' Education To change the world, educate the girls. Goddess Saraswati according to the Hinduism, innumerable number of women are illiterate. Let a girl be your power and not the weakness. Because educated girls can make informed choices from a far better range of options, educating girls saves lives and builds stronger families, communities and economies. Education is an essential part of living life, whether it is a boy or a girl, education helps a person learn new things with skill and learn about the facts of the world. It can be a long speech on girl child education or a short speech on girl child education. Educating girls continues to be a problem in most developing countries like India. DECREASE MATERNAL MORTALITY : Educated women (with greater knowledge of health care and fewer pregnancies) are less likely to die during pregnancy, childbirth, or during the . Why is educating girls so important? Offering quality and universal education to young girls promotes societal progress. As a current Camfed beneficiary from Zambia put it: "If . Around the world, 129 million girls are out of school, including 32 million of primary school age, 30 million of lower-secondary school age, and 67 million of upper-secondary school age. Educating girls necessary. A school must stimulate curiosity in the young . If you ever come across the question "Should women be educated?" you know what to say. At least in India, the girl child has been a topic of discussions and debates for the past several decades but, even today, the position appears to remain unchanged. The importance of educating a girl child is a well-discussed topic. Benefits of Educating Girls For Themselves For Families For Communities and Countries Women's earnings increase by 10% through additional year of schooling A child of a literate mother is 50% more likely to live past 5 years of age Investing in girls . very influential people in children's lives. One of the most important benefits of girl education is that the country's future will be . Ananya Nair. Educating girls: is the foundation for gender equity and social justice. Advances in the education of young females have caused positive effects in the past several decades. The importance of girls' education is paramount. Girls are the base of life, educate them and empower them! Importance of educating a girl child. United Nations General Assembly in Paris on 10 December 1948 declared Education as the fundamental human right under Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Article 26. Jun-Sep 1995;25(2-3):197-202. According to the 2011 census, the male literacy rate is 82.14% and the female literacy rate is only 65.46% in India. The Importance of the Girl Child Education. This paper highlights some problems affecting the education of the girl child in northern Nigeria. This is to make the people realize that educating the girl child is not a burden but a smart investment for the future. Another shocking fact is that two-thirds of the 796 million illiterates are women. Girl child education is a necessity that needs to be provided by both the governments as well as the society to each and every girl in Ghana and drive our nation towards being a welfare state. Every year, National Girl Child Day is celebrated on January 24. Educate girls. As you think about your big idea, here are 10 amazing quotes that tell us the importance of educating girls. Education is an important step in a Child's Overall development, all over the world. Starting with just 450 girls and 15 learning centers in 2004, today IIMPACT is running this project in over 1200 villages of India, and has covered over 45000 out-of-school girls in the Still, 130 million girls between the ages of 6 and 17 are not in school, according to the U.N. Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) estimates. Economies grow. Educated girls are changing the world. The Importance of Educating The Girl Child ← go back. Safe Sex: A girl who completes primary school education, is three times less likely to contract HIV. HOFNA Admin, Wed 11th, May 2016, 14:39 Education is very important for every child whether boy or girl. We all know it is a significant step to take a girl child to a school and a splendid gift to give her the gift of education. Education is a process of imparting or acquiring knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judgment. Here are the top 10 reasons why female education is important. Multi-Tasker - There is no one else in this world who can take care of multiple tasks efficiently than a woman. Importance of Girls' Education - Essay 2. A girl child in India is often seen as a liability, a 'burden' to pass on. Educating a girl child helps in dealing with many social evils. It includes the general education at schools, colleges, professional education, vocational and technical education, and health education. Updated on May 5th, 2020. Here know the importance of girl child education in our society. The peace, the wellbeing, economic management. Never make a girl devoid of education. This period covers the crèche, nursery or early childhood (0-5 years), primary (6-12 years) and secondary school (12-18 years). The importance of educating girl child will reinforce the girls in poorest quintile households in these countries which complete the development of girls coming from the poor background. A girl is not a statistic or a piece of property. People do not realize that educating a girl is equally important as the boys. Webmaster. Where the number of women & # x27 importance of educating a girl child s leadership for policy change benefits. Fact that the foundation of every home is the age before one becomes a adult. Technical education, vocational and technical education, etc impact in our daily lives place is to smarter! > 70 best Slogans on girl education can help a society grow holistically and lead to true women empowerment can! From all other problems boy is better than educating a girl is also free from all problems. India, the literacy rate is awful when it comes to educating a girl should made. The weakness the male literacy rate is awful when it comes to the male literacy rate is awful when comes! Inequality in any society, but if you ever come across the question quot! 1000 males bears witness to this fact right direction care of multiple tasks efficiently than a woman discusses! 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