Paul's Love for the Philippians | Reformed Bible Studies ... Paul Writes the Philippians - Friendship Bible Church Lydia was notable as the first European to be baptized there. Paul prays that the church of Philippi would grow in love. The words "joy" and "rejoice" are emphasized in Paul's letter to the Philippian Church. That is, after a ten-year relationship with the Church he had founded with the assistance of Silas and the cooperation of Lydia whose household he baptized and where the Church at Philippi first met. Rejoice in the Lord always Paul commands in . Roman colonists settled in Philippi. They shared in his affliction by sympathy, concern, and their readiness to help him when he called. Sermon Script. A prison letter, it contains a Christological hymn about Christ's humility and exaltation, a glimpse into Paul's passion to know Christ, and a reflection on prayer and the peace it brings in the midst of stress, conflict, and opponents. That Paul addressed Euodia and Syntyche personally and individually in his letter reinforces the idea that these women had considerable influence in the Philippian church, and were likely leaders. He then prayed that their love might abound. Philippians. The Philippians have sent him a financial donation and news through Epaphroditus. The Philippian church embraced Paul's ministry and his gospel and almost immediately begin to support him financially of their own free will. The initial converts of the church at Philippi were Gentiles, and the congregation developed into a predominately Gentile fellowship. Paul has great success planting churches and mentoring pastors. The mention of overseers and deacons in Philippians Epistle suggests that very soon the church consisted of more than just a few members. The Early Church: Paul, Silas, and the Philippian Jailer Lesson 6 LESSON OVERVIEW Key Point: Life is all about Jesus Repeat this phrase throughout the lesson. There are a couple different possibilities for the reason Paul makes these boasts in Philippians 3:4-6. Why did Paul write to the Philippians Example | GraduateWay The first person to accept Paul's message was Lydia, God-fearer from Thyatira who was worshiping with other Jewish women outside of the city near a . Paul's Confidence in the Flesh (Philippians 3:4-6 ... Written To: Paul wrote to the believers in Philippi with whom he shared a close partnership and special affection.He also addressed the letter to church elders and deacons. PDF Lesson 6--Paul, Silas, and the Philippian Jailer Paul's Prayer for the Philippian Church Paul prayed for the Philippians. Paul and the Mission of the Church: Philippians in Ancient ... A Map of Philippi and Surrounding Regions The City of Philippi and the Origin of the Church There The city of Philippi, as one can see from the map, is located in north eastern Greece (Macedonia). Letter of Paul to the Philippians, also called Epistle of St. Paul the Apostle to the Philippians, abbreviation Philippians, eleventh book of the New Testament, written by St. Paul the Apostle to the Christian congregation he had established in Philippi. The life of Paul is lived for Jesus, knowing Jesus, and making others know Jesus. Personally, this must have been an unsettling experience. In its present canonical form, Philippians is, according to . It is a love which The Church at Philippi Supports Paul Paul's chief goal was to build a solid relationship with this church in Philippi because he recognized that they each could strengthen the other. Lesson: Paul and the Philippian Jailer June 24, 2020 May 15, 2020 by Rev. As we said earlier, they were steadfast and consistent. 5 This is because you have taken part with me in spreading the good news from the first day you heard about it. We found in Acts 16 how this church came into existence, and we saw that there was a nucleus of people he had won to Christ who formed that church. An exposition, Critical and Practical, of the sixteenth chapter of the acts of the apostles, and of the epistle to the Philippians, with an introduction illustrating the doctrine and character of the apostle Paul by contrast with his contemporaries, with special reference to the Alexandrian Philo. Paul has been experiencing a cold, dark winter season. The words are so lovely. Philippians 2:5-11: Through the example of Jesus Christ, Paul shows that there is no shame in suffering. This book is fine biblical scholarship in the service of the missional church."-- Lydia was notable as the first European to be baptized there. In Philippi, Paul will encounter a woman (Lydia) and a man (the Jailer) and lead both to the Lord. That Paul addressed Euodia and Syntyche personally and individually, reinforces the idea that these women were influential members of the Philippian church and possibly were its leaders. For Philippian Church, they faced external and internal challenges. II. Date Written: Most scholars believe the letter was written around AD 62, while Paul was imprisoned in Rome.. Paul had planted the church in Philippi during his second missionary journey somewhere the year A.D. 49 or 50. Many Bible scholars believe that the Jailer was a retired veteran Roman soldier. He urges them to work together and not be afraid of those who opposed them (1:27-30). "Against the important background of eschatology and mission in the Old Testament, Ware amply demonstrates the centrality of mission for Paul and the Philippian church in a time when the eschatological future of Isaiah has arrived. In verses preceding our text, Paul had been encouraging people to have the same thinking as himself, that of reaching out for their faith. Abraham Hong. You'll find it helpful to read Acts 16-17 as we study Philippians together; meanwhile, here's a summary of the events described in those chapters. 4 And whenever I mention you in my prayers, it makes me happy. While Paul is a man we should all seek to imitate individually, the Philippian church is a church we should seek to imitate corporately. The first Christian church in Europe was founded at Philippi (built on top of a tomb of a Hellenistic hero) which had become an important early Christian centre following a visit to the city by Paul the Apostle in 49 CE. This word "love" comes from the Greek word agape (Matthew 5:43-48). This epistle is a letter that Paul is writing from prison to the Philippian church. Writing from prison, Paul describes the joys of following Christ and persevering for the gospel, and the secret to being content in any situation. It could be that he is Theme: Paul: The Misunderstood Mystic Living in Christ Wednesday, March 23rd, 2022: Theologian Ursula King sees Paul as a forerunner of the Christian mystics. Philippians 1:18b-26: Faced with the choice to either die and be with Christ or live and suffer, Paul chooses the latter for the good of the church. The Church at Philippi. From these initial conversions, shortly thereafter a church was born. ―Think the same thing‖ are the key words in the letter to the Philippians. The city was already ancient by the time Paul arrived there around 49 CE (Acts 16:11-40). Some of the letters were written to confront sin and unrighteousness among the congregation. In this letter, Paul seeks to give the Philippians a heavenly perspective on earthly trials. Paul reports that he is 'in chains for Christ' (1:13). Philippians is a letter about joy. Peter Edmonds SJ explores the context and content of one of Paul's shortest but most appealing epistles. Paul knew, as did the Philippians, that true joy comes only through humble faith in the saving work of Jesus Christ, joining ourselves in harmony with His followers, and serving others in the name of Christ. Paul later told the Philippians in his letter that they were the only church that helped to support him in his later travels (Philippians 4:13), and Paul greeted and encouraged a particular person there whom he called his "true yokefellow" (Philippians 4:3). In his writing to the Philippian church he was encouraging them to do so as well. The scope of the theology is extraordinary and the depth of his emotion and attachment to them has inspired millions of people for thousands of years. This was the life experienced by the Philippian believers, and it is a life available to us today. We know a few things about the church that had grown up at Philippi. He first called God as a witness to his love for them, which was like Christ's love (Compare 1 Corinthians 11:1). Paul was in Asia Minor when, in a vision from God, he received a call to come into Macedonia. Ephesians, Galatians, and Colossians are Paul's other 'prison epistles.' 6 God is the one who began this good work in you, and I am certain that he won . - The people in the church at Philippi were poor but generous (2 Corinthians 8:1-2). A second problem faced by the Philippian church was the threat of false teaching. It was penned while he was in prison, probably at Rome or Ephesus, about 62 ce. The church at Corinth began with Paul at the end of the second missionary journey ( Acts 18 ). He is motivated by the desire to see the Philippians reward in heaven as true partakers in the Great Commission. Little is known about the identity of the jailer by the Scriptures. First of all, right before and after he makes his boast, he warns the Philippian church to "look out for the dogs," "evildoers", and "those who mutilate the flesh" (Phil. The first Christian church in Europe was founded at Philippi (built on top of a tomb of a Hellenistic hero) which had become an important early Christian centre following a visit to the city by Paul the Apostle in 49 CE. His worldview is revealed, showing us Paul's true motivation - and it's not money. +. "If we had a boy, I wish he would be tall enough to be able to dunk on a basketball rim." "If we had a girl, I wish she would be . Paul is sending Epaphroditus back to them with this . 3:18). That it will also be a love that is based on knowledge having discernment and that approves the things that are excellent. . Part of the JesusWalk Bible Study Series. The Apostle Paul is writing a letter to the members of the church in the city of Philippi. In fact, its beginnings go back to the fourth century BCE when it was occupied by the Thracians. Author: Philippians is one of the Apostle Paul's four Prison Epistles.. Paul uses this description to warn the Christians at Philippi of the group known as the Judaizers. 6. God does not save us to be lone ranger Christians, but He expects us to partner with other believers in order to send forth the gospel. They arrived in Philippi, a major city of the district of Macedonia, which was a Roman colony, and they stayed there for several days. But then he received a vision of a man begging him to bring the gospel to Macedonia. The Judaizers were a group of Jewish Christians in the early Church, who held that circumcision and the observance of the Mosaic Law were necessary for salvation and thus, wished to impose them on the gentile converts in the various Pauline . Letter of Paul to the Philippians, also called Epistle of St. Paul the Apostle to the Philippians, abbreviation Philippians, eleventh book of the New Testament, written by St. Paul the Apostle to the Christian congregation he had established in Philippi. Paul's love for the Philippian church appears to have been more particular and specific than his love for many other churches, and it was manifested not only in feelings of belonging and familiarity, but also in a continuing vibrant friendship. The gospel of the grace of God, where Christ was sent from heaven to become our kinsman Redeemer, (and the sin-substitute for mankind), is the adhesive that binds believers together in the perfect bond of unity - and in the power of the Holy Spirit.Paul developed a Christ-like attitude of prayer, praise and intercessions for all whose lives had been so radically impacted and . That's all he does. The church at Philippi was the first Christian church in Europe, planted by the apostle Paul on his second missionary journey around AD 50 or 51. The founding of the church in Philippi is reflected with a lengthy narrative in the book of Acts. I believe he was referring to Luke. The church was facing difficulties as a congregation due to external persecution, internal conflict, false teachers, and fallen members. They stand in the good and the bad. St Paul's letter to the church of Philippi is best known for its passage on the 'emptying' of Christ, but it is also a source of pastoral advice and joyful encouragement to the Philippian Christians. The Church at Philippi stood by Paul's side in the good times and the bad. Paul taps into that pride of citizenship in his epistle (1:27; 3:20). Third, Philippians is an epistle that gives us an entirely different standard for giving and fund-raising. Philippi was a city of Macedonia, founded by and called after Philip, the father of Alexander the Great, in a fertile region, with contiguous gold and silver mines, on the banks of a small river and the highway between Asia and Europe, ten miles from the seacoast. Philippians 1:8. Paul could not physically see in person the love that the Philippians had for him, but he was able to see it through the gifts and service of Ephaphroditus.

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