The centre of the cornea and its anterior and posterior surfaces are measured precisely for optimal calculation of corneal refractive power. K: calculated corneal power. The true net power and sim-K from Pentacam require different optimized constants in virgin eyes and also in post-LASIK eyes. corneal power measurements for intraocular Calculation Using Corneal Analysis To Help Choose an IOL The unit also gives separate measurements of the posterior corneal radius, anterior corneal radius, and central corneal thickness. Oculus Pentacam ~ IOL Power Calculations After Myopic ... However, despite the difference in the keratometry readings, there was no significant difference between the MAE of the IOL Master, EKR 2, 3 or 4.5mm for both the Holladay 2 and SRK/T formulae. The effective corneal power can now be used for the K value in IOL calculations. Pre-RK Keratometry Mean K: Steep K (45D ) + Flat K (43D) = Mean K is (44D) Change in spherical equivalent at corneal plane: Pre-RK refraction (-6.5D), Post-RK refraction (-0.5D). The Creator’s Forum: IOL Power Calculations ... - Pentacam 2020; Yeo et al. IOL When planning for cataract surgery, in order to achieve the desired post-operative refraction, the … "I was happy with that, but I always use at least two or three different IOL power calculation methods in post-LASIK patients. Correcting Capsular Contraction After Crystalens Implantation. 2020; Yeo et al. How to interpret corneal topography: 5 clinical uses - EyeGuru Dr. Dennis Goldsberry has published on online Post-LASIK IOL Calculator . post corneal refractive surgery IOL power calculation to the next level.” Graham Barrett, M.D. However, an important limitation is the lack of IOL constant optimization. 2020). Pentacam Post-RK parameters: IOL master cornea measurement: K1 = 35.83D, K2 = 36.33D, Axial length: 27.37mm, A constant of … for IOL power calculation for the patients with corneal shape abnormality such as post-LASIK, post-PTK, and post-keratoplasty. No pre-Lasik / PRK or post-Lasik / PRK information was used in any of the calculations. • IOL power is calculated using the post-LASIK axial length and the pre-LASIK ... (information derived from the pentacam) Bestt Formula MEH • Bestt Formula, Smith et al , JCRS 2006 ... for intraocular lens calculation after excimer laser surgery for myopia. “Everyone knows that it’s very difficult to determine IOL power after refractive surgery with LASIK,” says Dr. Maeda. Special IOL calculation formulas are available to assist you in successful IOL calculations. Closely spaced rings = steeper. Contact lens over-refraction method Corneal power is calculated as the sum of the contact lens base curve, power, and overrefraction minus the spherical equivalent of the manifest refraction without a contact lens. Ray tracing with Pentacam® measurements is far safer in our experience. ... Keratometry readings taken with the Pentacam are used to make IOL calculations for patients who … , Haigis, Savini for toric IOLs1 otvinShammas2 after myopic otvin after RK 3, SRK/T and , Barrett calculator and the Olsen formula (ray tracing). IOL power calculation in eyes that have undergone LASIK/PRK/RK. In our practice we have found the EKR feature of the Oculus Pentacam to be a very useful augmentation to other central corneal power estimation techniques for the eye with prior myopic LASIK. 1. Hill WE. IOL power calculations following keratorefractive surgery. Conclusion: The C-P method may be a good option for calculating IOL pow-ers in eyes undergoing cataract surgery after LASIK when the preoperative LASIK data are unavailable. The Pentacam® offers in an additional program this Ray Tracing calculation on the same computer. A comparison of the preoperative simulation image and the actual post-operative position of the IOL showed that the phakic IOL was 50 mm higher with the simulation. This review will aim to give an understanding of the errors and how it affects the formulas used in IOL power calculations. How it’s done: Placido disc (topography): Evaluates the cornea based on the reflection of concentric rings (mires). Introduction ... As the Shammas-PL formula was used to calculate IOL power in the Potvin–Hill pentacam method, it is possible that these two formulas caused the significant difference. 1. We used the posterior corneal curvature as measured by the Pentacam in a method we named Actual K(a+p) to calculate the post-LASIK corneal power for IOL calculation. Lacking the Zeiss Atlas topographer or the Oculus Pentacam, small zone autokeratometry (IOLMaster or Lenstar Ks) may be used with the ASCRS calculator for post-RK eyes, although such an approach tends to be less accurate. The IOL power calculation software of the Pentacam AXL uses customized formulas to create power calculations auto-matically for routine cases and for post-RK and post-LASIK eyes, without the need for additional calculators. However, some IOL formulas (such as the SRK-T or SRK-II formulas) assume a relationship … Purpose . -Modified Double-K (DK) formula using a presumed pre-RK K of 43.86 to calculate ELP and a post-RK K (from IOL master or Lenstar) to calculate corneal refractive power 3) Potvin-Hill (Requires use of Oculus Pentacam) Final IOL Power = Holladay 1 IOL Calculation - 4.4554 + 0.0084 x CTmin CTmin: Minimum Central Thickness. At the ESCRS 2018 in Vienna, Oculus is introducing the advanced Barrett Toric calculator, including the posterior cornea, and the Olsen ray-tracing formula, within the IOL calculator of the Pentacam AXL. The Pentacam device (Oculus, Arlington, Washington) evaluates the cornea in multiple ways: It measures a simulated keratometry value (SimK). However, an important limitation is the lack of IOL constant optimization. Thus for a proper interpretation of the Hollday EKR report, the Holladay default settings are set to a calculation zone of 8 mm while the eccentricity calculation zone ( angle kappa, alpha) is also set to 8mm. The online calculator for calculating the IOL after refractive surgery is helpful. ... CT _MIN is the minimum central corneal thickness in microns as displayed by the Pentacam. IOL power calculator in post-myopic LASIK/PRK eyes. Depending on the ablation profile some surgeons prefer the 2.0 mm or the 3.0 mm EKR (3). The update incorporates the Barrett Universal II, Barrett Toric and Barrett True K. Also included: Hoffer Q, Holladay I, SRK/T, Haigis, Savini for toric IOLs, HillPotvinShammas after myopic LASIK, HillPotvin after RK, double K of Hoffer, SRK/T and Holladay. The posterior cornea plays a large and … Dr. Koch: I find post-RK eyes to be by far the most difficult and unpredictable for accurately calculating IOL power. Before we describe the different corneal power maps described in the Pentacam, it is important that we appreciate the … Post-LASIK IOL Calculations Author: Dennis H. Goldsberry, M.D., P.E. The EKR (4.0-mm diameter) method was found to be the most accurate. References. The latter takes the posterior corneal surface into account, improving the accuracy of IOL power calculation1. This will aid ophthalmologists in choosing the best IOL for their patients. The Kane Formula is a tool to assist physicians in selecting the appropriate IOL for their patients. Post-LASIK IOL Calculations Author: Dennis H. Goldsberry, M.D., P.E. We used the posterior corneal curvature as measured by the Pentacam in a method we named Actual K(a+p) to calculate the post-LASIK corneal power for IOL calculation. analysis combined with PNS (Pentacam® Nucleus Staging) is a unique feature. Unlike in LASIK, the cornea is not thinned by RK, so central keratometry is an accurate measurement that can be used in IOL calculation formulas. -Modified Double-K (DK) formula using a presumed pre-RK K of 43.86 to calculate ELP and a post-RK K (from IOL master or Lenstar) to calculate corneal refractive power 3) Potvin-Hill (Requires use of Oculus Pentacam) Final IOL Power = Holladay 1 IOL Calculation - 4.4554 + 0.0084 x CTmin CTmin: Minimum Central Thickness. Accuracy of this IOL calculation method was judged using the manifest refraction outcome after cataract surgery. This translates into better IOL power calculation. The Sche-impflug image can be used to show the cataract to the The Pentacam® does provide different maps to predict corneal power: Sagittal Power Map This is the common “Placido Style Map”. This study is the first to assess IOL calculations in post-DSAEK eyes. Pentacam, the patient received an Artiflex phakic IOL with a power of –12.5 D in the right eye. BESST , by Dr. Borasio, is a formula that can estimate a post-refractive patient's corneal power accurately based on the Oculus Pentacam's anterior and posterior corneal surfaces. Version 4.9. Transcription . Haigis W, Lege BAM, Neuhann TF: Bestimmung wirksamer Hornhautradien nach hyperoper LASIK. The refractive power of the eye primarily depends upon the cornea, the lens, ocular media, and the axial length of the eye. The Pentacam® ® supports the selection of the optimal premium IOL for the Both formulas are available to all Pentacam AXL users in a free software update. We used the posterior corneal curvature as measured by the Pentacam in a method we named Actual K(a+p) to calculate the post-LASIK corneal power for IOL calculation. The Pentacam comes with a default Holladay setting and users are recommended not to edit or tamper this default setting. It can be used to evaluate safety distances between the posterior side of the implant and the crystalline lens and from the anterior optic side to the corneal endothelium. The term was originally used by Whewell in the 1800s for calculating life expectancy. Review After IOL implantation in eyes with previous LASIK, PRK or RK, a refractive surprise can occur because i) the altered ratio between … The former gave me a result of 25.5 D; the latter said 24 D. Ten eyes of 7 patients (4 male, 3 female, average age 50.10±4.01 years, with -11.01±3.55D mean refraction before LASIK), underwent post-LASIK phaco+IOL cataract surgery. TCRP for toric IOL power calculation oric IOLs can be calculated based on the individual . and k-reading (Kr) was calculated using Jarade IR method for Kr after LASIK. Methods . Often, however, the calculation spreads up to 5 dioptres. the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ASCRS) post-refractive surgery intraocular lens (IOL) power calculator for the prediction of IOL power after previous myopic laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) or photorefractive keratectomy (PRK). However, some IOL formulas (such as the SRK-T or SRK-II formulas) assume a relationship … Post-myopic LASIK parameters: IOL master cornea measurement: K1 = 35.83D, K2 = 36.33D, Axial length: 27.37mm, A constant of AAB00 on IOL master (SRK/T): 119, ACD by IOL master: 3.0mm, TNP_Apex_Zone40 value from the Pentacam: 34.75D. To describe the different formulas that try to overcome the problem of calculating the intraocular lens (IOL) power in patients that underwent corneal refractive surgery (CRS). Scheimflug tomography imaging using the Holladay EKR 4 mm improved the accuracy of IOL power calculation in post-LASIK eyes. A Pubmed literature search review of all published articles, on keyword associated with IOL power calculation and corneal refractive surgery, as well as the reference lists of retrieved articles, … post corneal refractive surgery IOL power calculation to the next level.” Graham Barrett, M.D. However, findings from a retrospective clinical cohort study of 170 postmyopic LASIK eyes showed that, when comparing IOL power predictive accuracy, the Pentacam Scheimpflug camera-based Potvin-Hill and spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (OCT)–based True-K formulas did not necessarily outperform other select formulas available on … "I did the calculations using the bypass method; the result was 23.5 D," he continues. “Both the EyeSys and Pentacam provided similar results,” Miller said. “Everyone knows that it’s very difficult to determine IOL power after refractive surgery with LASIK,” says Dr. Maeda. “If a patient has an abnormal corneal shape, even if the cornea doesn’t have irregular astigmatism, such as occurs after LASIK, it’s very difficult to minimize post-cataract surgery refractive errors. 1.3375 and the simple formula “Dpt=(1.3375-1)*(1000)/Rmm” is used to calculate corneal power. With the Pentacam® AXL, you can obtain reliable measurements for your cataract patients, including the more challenging cases of treated eyes (LASIK, PRK, RK, etc.). Warren Hill, M.D. The estimation of IOL power after radial keratotomy iOL calculation methods that use the patient’s treatment history are impractical because in most cases the data is not available. Gullstrand ratio in normal and post-LASIK eyes. The ASCRS site hosts a post-refractive surgery IOL calculator (post-myopic, hyperopic, or RK). Additionally, toric IOL power calculations have become simpler and more accurate. The hyperopic version of the Haigis-L formula is now available on the most recent IOLMaster software and also at the ASCRS on-line post-keratorefractive IOL power calculator at 2021;37(4):231–239.] ERRORS OF TRADITIONAL FORMULAS Many of the old thin-lens IOL power calculation formulas, such as the Binkhorst, Hoffer Q, Holladay 1, and SRK/T use only the K reading and the AL as input. Every year more than 11 Mio lenses are implanted worldwide, providing excellent chances for the majority of patients to … Ease of use and accuracy Accurate alignment in front of the patient’s eye This agreement, between Dr. Jack Kane and the user, gives the user a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to access the Kane formula for the limited purpose of performing IOL power calculations for the user’s clinical operations. Comments . 2020). IOL power calculation after refractive surgery A. Peyman, MD . • IOL power is calculated using the post-LASIK axial length and the pre-LASIK ... (information derived from the pentacam) Bestt Formula MEH • Bestt Formula, Smith et al , JCRS 2006 ... for intraocular lens calculation after excimer laser surgery for myopia. Up Front. Three new IOL power calculations are now integrated into the IOL Calculator. We used the posterior corneal curvature as measured by the Pentacam in a method we named Actual K(a+p) to calculate the post-LASIK corneal power for IOL calculation. Methods: Ten eyes of 7 patients (4 male, 3 female, average age 50.10±4.01 years, with -11.01±3.55D mean refraction before LASIK), underwent post-LASIK phaco+IOL cataract surgery. Ease of use and accuracy Accurate alignment in front of the patient’s eye A K measurement obtained using the Pentacam, which accounts for both the anterior and posterior corneal surfaces, is considered the most accurate. download Report . Comparison of the Pentacam equivalent keratometry reading and IOL master keratometry measurement in intraocular lens power calculations. Dr Post-LASIK IOL Calculations [Click For a Printer-Friendly Version (PDF)] At its core, the formula necessary for determining IOL power following cataract surgery relies on the axial length of the eye and the cornea’s total dioptric power. This SimK value has traditionally been used for IOL power calculation. [J Refract Surg. For IOL calculations in post-DSAEK eyes, the use of conventional K measurements will not yield a large refractive change. Another issue that arose was, whether the use of Holladay EKRs improves the accuracy of IOL power calculations after keratorefractive surgery. We recommended the use the combined "Shammas-PL ± Double-K SRK/T formula using EKR 4 … Made possible by an unrestricted educational grant from … The IOL calculation by means of proven empirical IOL formulas, such as the Haigis, SRK / T or Hoffer Q-formula, can be carried out immediately after the measurement. In this study, the lowest average K value from ... 1328 IOL POWER CALCULATION METHODS AFTER MYOPIC LASER REFRACTIVE SURGERY J CATARACT REFRACT SURG - VOL 39, SEPTEMBER 2013. The best option is a combination of formulas. Biometry After Lasik Ashraf El Habbak MD, PhD Background Intraocular lens (IOL) implantation after refractive surgery is challenging because standard IOL power formulae can lead to significant unintended postoperative refractive errors. OCULUS is pleased to announce the implementation of the Pentacam® data field on the online ASCRS IOL Calculator ( for the IOL power calculation in eyes that have undergone myopic LASIK surgery. Figure 2 shows the results of Pentacam (Oculus Optikgeräte GmbH) measurement of the anterior and posterior corneal cur-vatures, giving the distribution of the Gullstrand ratio in a normal population and in a post-LASIK population (average ablation, -7.00 D). IOL power calculations following keratorefractive surgery. Biometry is the method of applying mathematics to biology. Based on the results of a large study that has been published … 5 The disadvantage of this method is the lack of pre-operative information (i.e., prior to LASIK treatment). Post-LASIK, the patient achieved a refraction of +0.75 –0.50 × 165 in the right eye and 0.00 –1.00 × 180 in the left eye. Post refractive surgery eyes When using the Barrett True K TK formula, which was specifically designed for TK, it outperformed any other non-history formula in post myopic LASIK eyes (Lawless et al. Calculating the correct intraocular lens (IOL) after refractive surgery, whether it is PRK, LASIK, LASEK, or RK, can be a challenge. Post refractive surgery eyes When using the Barrett True K TK formula, which was specifically designed for TK, it outperformed any other non-history formula in post myopic LASIK eyes (Lawless et al. Thus for a proper interpretation of the Hollday EKR report, the Holladay default settings are set to a calculation zone of 8 mm while the eccentricity calculation zone ( angle kappa, alpha) is also set to 8mm. So I also used the modified Maloney method and the BESSt formula. With the Pentacam® AXL, you can obtain reliable measurements for your cataract patients, including the more challenging cases of pre-treated eyes (LASIK, PRK, RK, etc.). Pentacam is also helpful for patient follow-up post-implantation of a phakic IOL through its three dimensional Scheimpflug image of the anterior chamber. Hill WE. We will review what corneal topography and tomography are, why they are useful, and how to interpret 5 common clinical uses of Pentacam. Conclusions: IOL calculations in post-DSAEK eyes using K Master, SimK, and EKR can yield small refractive errors after surgery. is not suitable for cases of dense cataracts Special methods … Subject: IOL Calculations after Keratorefractive Surgery Keywords: LASIK Refractive Surgery Intraocular Lens IOL Calculations Created Date: 6/5/2008 10:38:48 AM Special IOL calculation formulas are available to assist you in successful IOL planning. Methods using only current data include the R-factor method, the shammas no-history method, the BEsst formula, which uses Pentacam (Oculus) measurements, and the haigis-L formula, omy measuring devices (IOLMaster, Pentacam, Atlas) is input as the surgeon-entered K value to calculate IOL power. The BESSt Formula. IOL Power Calculations After LASIK and PRK. In our practice we have found the EKR feature of the Oculus Pentacam to be a very useful augmentation to other central corneal power estimation techniques for the eye with prior myopic LASIK. Calculation of IOLs in patients who had LASIK remains less predicable than calculations for virgin eyes. Up Front. Keywords: IOL power calculation after LASIK, no-history method, cataract surgery, anterior–posterior ratio of the corneal radius of the curvature. Since then, cataract and refractive surgery have developed into the most frequent and most successful surgical interventions in the history of medicine. TK: post-LASIK corneal topography central Ks; Topography system used in this formula is the TMS system (software version 1.6 1; Computed Anatomy Inc, New York, New York) Shammas Formula. For example, pre-treatment refractive power, as well as thickness and curvature changes following corneal incisions, are used to perform post-operative calculation of the total corneal refractive power (TCRP) after LASIK treatment. Li Wang, M.D., Ph.D. Douglas D. Koch, M.D. 1) Corneal to p ography is a non-invasive imaging technique for mapping the surface curvature and shape of the anterior corneal surface. Background This review aims to explain the reasons why intraocular lens (IOL) power calculation is challenging in eyes with previous corneal refractive surgery and what solutions are currently available to obtain more accurate results. If the address matches an existing account you will receive an email with instructions to retrieve your username Using the Pentacam™ for IOL Power Calculation. Her uncorrected post-operative acuity was 20/40. For premium IOLs, a ray-tracing formula based on the Pentacam® topography of the front and back of the cornea is often advisable for IOL calculation. Subject: IOL Calculations after Keratorefractive Surgery Keywords: LASIK Refractive Surgery Intraocular Lens IOL Calculations Created Date: 6/5/2008 10:38:48 AM The calculated Kr was used in SRK-T formula for IOL calculation. Keywords: Descemet’s stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty, IOL, Keratometry, Pentacam Background Using ray-tracing to calculate diffractive EDOF IOLs after myopic LASIK, the Potvin-Hill formula outperformed established formulas in terms of the percentage within target refraction and the MAE. The ASCRS site hosts a post-refractive surgery IOL calculator (post-myopic, hyperopic, or RK). The true net power and sim-K from Pentacam require different optimized constants in virgin eyes and also in post-LASIK eyes. Special IOL calculation formulas are available to assist you in successful IOL calculations. Widely spaced rings = flatter. Pentacam Keratometric Values Unreliable for IOL Power Calculation After Refractive Surgery To the Editor: We read with interest the article by Gonen et al,1 which appeared in the August 2012 issue of the Jour-nal of Refractive Surgery, on their study comparing keratometric data from 200 patients evaluated for re- In our practice we have found the EKR feature of the Oculus Pentacam to be a very useful augmentation to other central corneal power estimation techniques for the eye with prior myopic LASIK. In this article, we will interpret some topography maps derived by Scheimflug based Pentacam, namely the Sagittal or axial map, True Net Power (TNP) map, Equivalent-K Reading (EKR) map, and the True Corneal Refractive Power (TCRP) map. Dr. Dennis Goldsberry has published on online Post-LASIK IOL Calculator . The upper right is the corneal pachy-metric map. San Jose LASIK Center receives Pentacam. K=1.14×TK -6.8. Pentacam® for IOL power calculations for post myopic LASIK patients without pre-op keratometry. 1. rotating Scheimpflug camera (Pentacam) were entered into the Barrett True-K formula. Entering data from the Pentacam into the Gaussian optics formula resulted in an underestimation of the corneal power compared with data from videokeratography in nonoperated eyes. Post-myopic LASIK parameters: IOL master cornea measurement: K1 = 35.83D, K2 = 36.33D, Axial length: 27.37mm, A constant of AAB00 on IOL master (SRK/T): 119, ACD by IOL master: 3.0mm, TNP_Apex_Zone40 value from the Pentacam: 34.75D. TK: post-LASIK corneal topography central Ks; Central ring topography method IOL Calculator for Eyes with Prior RK (Your data will not be saved. BESST , by Dr. Borasio, is a formula that can estimate a post-refractive patient's corneal power accurately based on the Oculus Pentacam's anterior and posterior corneal surfaces. Four variants of the Barrett True-K formula were investigated: (1) with history and measured posterior corneal power, (2) with history and predicted posterior corneal power, … References. ... method calculates the post-LASIK or PRK corneal power The Pentacam comes with a default Holladay setting and users are recommended not to edit or tamper this default setting. With the Pentacam® AXL, you can obtain reliable measurements for your cataract patients, including the more challenging cases of pre-treated eyes (LASIK, PRK, RK, etc.). Oculus to Present New Formulas for the Pentacam AXL. Learn how to interpret corneal topography imaging along with the 5 most common patterns you must be able to recognize. If ultrasonic AL is entered, be sure to use your ultrasound lens constants. We have been using the Orbscan to properly screen LASIK and refractive patients since 1999. Please print a copy for your record.) This map can be used to check the thick-ness at the main incision and at the side ports. The purpose of this study is to determine the accuracy of the Pentacam and IOL Master to calculate the effective corneal power (keratometry, corneal curvature) in patients who have undergone both corneal refractive surgery and … “If a patient has an abnormal corneal shape, even if the cornea doesn’t have irregular astigmatism, such as occurs after LASIK, it’s very difficult to minimize post-cataract surgery refractive errors. ***Enter the constant available; the other will be calculated. The reduction of the Gullstrand ratio is All eyes were targeted for emmetropia after cataract. It ’ s very difficult to determine IOL power calculations after keratorefractive surgery lack of pre-operative information ( i.e. prior! Ekrs improves the accuracy of IOL power calculation in eyes that have undergone LASIK/PRK/RK pentacam post lasik iol calculation K... 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